The MCO was written for a purpose, just like all other military manuals. We need to use it as it was intended.
A DrillMaster Study on the Command Voice
Have you considered your command voice? Have you looked at your service’s manual and actually read about what it says on the proper way to call commands? No, it doesn’t say monotone is OK, it doesn’t say the gravel-in-your-throat style is a good style, it says use inflection, be clear and more! Read for yourself! Don’t rely on a senior cadet to tell you what you need to do (as with ANYTHING else)- read it for yourself!
“Root Step” and Command Pronunciation
When we give commands to a formation, the words and your voice need to have several different attributes (click here for complete information on the command voice). One of the attributes that is never addressed is how to pronounce certain words. The two words that are constantly butchered by cadets and members of the military are Route and Oblique. The …
Hut, Toop, Threep, Fourp?
In the Air Force the official way to call cadence is not “Left, Left, Left, Right Left” (more on that later). In the USAF drill and ceremonies manual, 36-2203, it states that when calling or counting cadence (AF cadence is 100 to 120 SPM- steps per minute- with a 24-inch step) you say, “HUT, TOOP, THREEP, FOURP; HUT, TOOP, THREEP, …