Nowhere else can you get the education and training offered through The DrillMaster.
- The DrillMaster iDrill Rifle M1 and M1903 Patterns
- The DrillMaster iDrill Rifle Medium Size M1903 Pattern
- The DrillMaster iDrill Rifle Jr Pattern
- The DrillMaster iAxeHead Pattern
- The DrillMaster Brochure
- The DrillMaster Drill Meet BINGO sheet! Take it with you and see if you can get a BINGO at your next competition.
- The DrillMaster App for Android and iPhone
- LEEP: Law Enforcement Education Program Handout
- Chinese Military Parade Training (PowerPoint)
- Chinese Military Parade Training (PDF)
Then, the following routine is a primer to create a routine for those wanting to compete in Washington DC or create a routine for a special event. The drill is complete and each page has links to YouTube videos with sample rifle movements. See Routine Mapping Tools below for a Police Week version.
No, you don’t have to march using an exact 30″ or 24″ step, the grids are just marked off that way for guidance.
- Routine Mapping Tool with Marked Entrance 100’x100′ 30″ Step
- Routine Mapping Tool, Solo/Tandem, 33’x33′ 24″ Step
- Routine Mapping Tool, Solo/Tandem, 33’x33′ 30″ Step
- Routine Mapping Tool, Drill Team 100’x100′ 30″ Step
- Routine Mapping Tool, Basketball Court, Drill Team 50’x90′ 30″ Step
- Routine Mapping Tool, Two-Lane Road, Drill Team 24×90
- Police Week: Routine Mapping Tool, Police Week Drill Team 35’x75′ 30″ Step
- Routine Mapping Tool, Drill Team Outside USA 25m squared 76 cm step on A4 paper
Fallen First Responder Remembrance Ceremony
Many thanks to Joel Daoust for his insightful feedback in the creation of this ceremony.
- Fallen First Responder Ceremony Official Script
- Fallen First Responder Shorter Hat Table Ceremony Script
- Colors Diagram to help you better visualize the first descriptive paragraph of the script
- First Responder Memorial Cross Ceremony Stand Diagram
- Large Hat Table Setup Diagram
- Small Table Setup Diagram
Fallen Warrior Stand/Battle Cross
POW/MIA (Fallen Comrade) Ceremony
- First Responder Funeral Notification Guidance
- DrillMaster Honor Guard Performance Critique
- Honor Guard Competition SOP and scoresheets (first responders and explorers/cadets) Updated for 2024 and beyond! *WDA- World Drill Association
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP, used by ExCon (NV) and FL Public Service Assoc., and others)
- WDA* Tabulation Worksheet
- Inspection
- Color Guard Post/Retrieve and Marching
- Flag Fold and Casket Watch
- (Platoon) Regulation Sequence and Exhibition Marching
- WDA* Performance Criteria Reference for Ceremonial Class
- The Honor Guard Training Record
- DrillMaster Honor Guard (Colors, Firing Party, etc.) Performance Critique (this is for giving feedback to your trainees and colleagues after a performance)
- The DrillMaster Honor Guard Training Staff Assistance Visit Checklist
- Sample Honors Request Worksheet
- Authorized Provider Partnership Program (AP3) Sample PowerPoint Presentation
- AP3 PDF document
- DrillMaster’s Score-at-Home sheet for the Joint Service Drill Team Competition in Washington DC
These are samples for you to use however you need.
- Equipment Custodian Duties
- Flight/Platoon Sergeant Duties
- General Guidelines
- NCOIC/LPO/Commander Duties
- OIC Duties
- Scheduler Duties
- Trainer Duties
- Simple Training and Qualification Checklist (Something I created during my time on the Kadena Air Base Honor Guard)
Honor Guard Commands on MP3
These commands are available in MP3 format for down load to give you an idea of how to call commands and to give trainees a way to practice on their own time by listening on a CD or something similar. The commands are given at approximately 75-80 beats per minute (BPM), a ceremonial cadence. I recorded my voice with the help of former USAF DJ Lynn Gray. I also added some new commands to the list since working with Lynn back in 2010.
- Honor Guard, Attention
- Stand at Ease – Honor Guard, Tench-Hut
- Flight, Tench-Hut
- Platoon, Attention
- Order Arms
- Present Arms
- About Face
- Three-Count About Face (This command is ONLY used during training)
- Right Face
- Left Face
- (Unbloused) Present Arms (Used in training ONLY)
- (Bloused) Present Arms (Used in training ONLY)
- Ceremonial at Ease
Armed-Specific Commands
- Ground Arms
- Take Arms
- Port Arms
- Left Shoulder Arms
- Right Shoulder Arms
- Sequence: Standing Manual Through the Manual of Arms
- Armed Drill While Marching
Colors Presentation/Posting Sequences
- Colors Post/Present Sequence While at Port Arms (All services use this, but the “Tench-Hut” command is in this sequence)
- Colors Post/Present Sequence While at Right Shoulder (All services use this, but the “Tench-Hut” command is in this sequence)
Firing Party Sequence
In order to know how to execute some of these moves, you’ll have to pick up my fifth book, The Honor Guard Manual.
Military, JROTC, Explorer, Pathfinder & Scouting programs
- DrillMaster Marching Commands Matrix – know on which foot to call commands
JROTC Class Drill Routine Evaluation Score Sheets (from this article)
- AJROTC Squad Drill Overall Effect Score Sheet
- MC/NJ/CGJROTC Overall Effect Score Sheet
- AF/SFJROTC 30 Step Overall Effect Score Sheet
- All JROTC Regulation Drill Sequence Movement Score Sheet
- All JROTC Regulation Drill Sequence Equipment Score Sheet
World Drill Association Performance Criteria Reference Sheets
- Exhibition Drill
- Regulation Drill
Uniform and Drill Guidance from JROTC HQs
- (The incredibly bad) AJROTC- CCR 145-2 12 AUGUST 2022
- MCJROTC Policy Letter 9-16, Color Guard and Drill Team Guidance
- AFJROTC Chapter 7: Uniform and Awards, Operational Supplement 2023
- AFJROTC and SFJROTC Color Guard Pamphlet 15 Nov 2022
DrillMaster Drill Team Competition Documents
- Drill Competition SOP
- Honor Guard Competition SOP
- Competition Sample Program Template
- Competition Host Task List
These are in PDF format. If you would like to host your own drill competition, send me an email (on the front page) and let me know and that way you can have the Word documents to use.
Click the title above to go to the folder to download the World Drill Association Regulation Drill Score Sheets.
Click the title above to go to the folder to download the World Drill Association Exhibition Drill Score Sheets.
Inspection Score Sheet
Click the title above to go to the folder to download the World Drill Association Score Sheet Reverses.
Click the title above to go to the folder to download the World Drill Association Judge Tote Sheets.
US Military Service Drill and Ceremonies Manuals
- TC 3-21-5, US Army Drill and Ceremonies Manual (2021)
- TC 3-21.5, 2012, Army D&C (use for Sling Arms techniques for M1 & M1903)
- MCO 5060.2 Enclosure 1
- MCO 5060.2 Enclosure 2
- MCO 5060.2 Enclosure 3
- MCO 5060.20 Whole document, large file
- AFPAM 34-1203, USAF/USSF Drill and Ceremonies (2022)
- NAVPERS 15555D, Burial at Sea
Flag Protocol
- DoD Instruction 1005.06 Display of the Flag at Half-Staff (2015)
- AR 840-10, Flag, Guidons and Streamers, etc. (2023)
- MCO 4400.201 Vol 13, Individual Clothing, Flags, Personal Effects, and the Consolidated Storage Program
- MCO 10520.3, Flag Manual
- AFTO 00-25-154 AFD-091005-041 Maintenance & Storage of US, AF Flags, Guidons & Streamers
- NTP13(B), Flags, Pennants and Customs (1986, still current!)
- SECNAVINST 1650.1, Navy and Marine Corps Award Manual The NTP references for streamers
- US Navy Regulations Chapter 12 (1990)
- OPNAVINST 10520.1B CNO Policy on Flags and Streamers
- DoD Instruction 5410.19 Vol 4, Community Outreach Activities: Ceremonial, Musical, and Aerial Event Support (Sept 2021)
- DoD Instruction 1005.15, DoD Civilian Flags
- DoD Directive 1005.8, Order of Precedence of US Armed Forces (1977)
Flag Protocol, Historic
- AR 260-10, Flags, Colors, Standards, Guidons, Streamers, Silver Bands, Tabards and Automobile Plates; Descriptions and Use (1944)
Protocol Information
- AFI 90-1201, Protocol (Oct 2024)
- AFPAM 34-1202, Protocol Pamphlet
- AP 600-60, Army Protocol and Etiquette (2023)
- AR 600-25, Salutes, Honors and Courtesies (2019)
- OPNAVINST 1710.12, Social Usage and Protocol (2022)
- US Navy Regulations Chapter 9, Customs and Courtesies
Miscellaneous Information
- TM 9-1275, Maintenance of the M1 (1947) Part 1
- TM 9-1275, Maintenance of the M1 (1947) Part 2
- TM 9-1275, Maintenance of the M1 (1947) Part 3
- TM 9-1275, Maintenance of the M1 (1947) Part 4
*I’ve done as much research as I can and am always open for additional information. If you find a more updated manual or another manual you think would be good to add to this library, please let me know. Many eyes are better than just my two and I appreciate good feedback.
Historic D&C Manuals
- Smyth’s Manual (1812)
- Hardee’s Revised Manual (1861)
- Casey’s Tactics (1862)
- Infantry Drill Regulations (1891)
- Petty Officer’s Drill Book (sword fighting manual, 1904)
- Infantry Drill Regulations (1904)
- Infantry Drill Regulations (1911) W/1917 Correction
- FM 22-5, Infantry Drill Regulations (Tentative) (1932)
- FM 22-5, Infantry Drill Regulations (1939)
- FM 22-5, Infantry Drill Regulations (1941)
- FM 22-5, Drill and Ceremonies
- US Navy Bluejackets Manuals
- US Navy Landing Force Manuals
From The Old Guard
Comments 56
Do you have a diagram of left and right flank? I appreciate your resources.
I do, in my book, the Drill Team Field Manual
Do you have routine mapping tools online to access anywhere for my instructors?
Everything is available above. If you are having trouble, please let me know and I can send you an email of any Mapping Tool you wish.
Drill Master,
I was under the impression you could only fly 2 flags on same flagpole, US and POW/MIA or US and State flag, but cannot find any information regarding that.
At Pittsburgh VA, there is a “pride” flag flying, attached to the bottom clip of the POW/MIA flag. It looks completely unprofessional. Can I get your take on this matter
Hello sir,
The “rainbow” flag and all it’s variations is a novelty flag. It’s not an official government flag.
The US military and it’s members cannot fly or carry any flag or color that is not an official government flag. That being said, the VA is part of the government, but not the military. Interestingly, the government does not follow military standards for flag protocol. The VA serves us military veterans but has no obligation to follow military protocol.
There is no rule limiting the number of flags on the same pole. It looks horrible sometimes and the pole may not hold up if the wind gets crazy.
What cadence would be used by the CAP for a colors posting or presentation? Is it 80 SPM? Also are the riflemen at the same cadence or are they quicker and more dramatic?
-C/MSgt Anthony Jackson
AFPAM 34-1203 says cadence is between 100-120 beats per MINUTE (BPM). Presenting and posting thd colors is usually better at 90-100 BPM. That range seems to be best.
“Dramatic” is never a goal. Guards execute movement at the same tempo as when marching.
Good Day Drill Master;
I’m interesting in obtaining instructors on developing Exhibition routines.
Mr. Francis,
Are you wanting to gain certification as an exhibition drill instructor or be put in contact with other exhibition drill instructors?
The first and only Native American USA Flag Bearer in either the Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics was Taffy Abel on January 25, 1924. He won a Silver Medal in Hockey in the 1924 Winter Olympics. His motto: “I’m in the business of winning.” He joined the NHL in 1926 and kicked the ass of every Canadian NHL Team he played against on the way to 2 Stanley Cups.
The Centennial is January 25, 2024
See Photo at:
This week Communist Dictator Xi came to SF to meet with President Biden.
Besides the fact the streets of SF were lined with only Communist Chinese flags, a video from CSPAN of the two entering the building showed a US Army Soldier holding the Chinese flag. The US flag was on the left at the end.
here is the link:
Can you look into this. I would like to know IF a US Military soldier is allowed to do this… I DO NOT fault the soldier….
I can find no information on the topic, nor can I find any instance of US Soldiers doing this. Further, shouldn’t Marines be doing this….?
Thanks in advance.
Mr. Van Horn,
Please see my article that just published this morning. It will explain everything- I hope to your satisfaction.
Drill Master, looking for some guidance. My program is called the California Cadet Corps. Not sure if you are familiar with us but we are a National Guard program that follows the Army TC 3-21.5. I will be participating in my first Color Guard Drill Comp this weekend. As a former Jarhead Drill Instructor, I am familiar with the Army differences, except with Color Guard. The TC does not explain exactly what is expected. Below are two sequences that I need clarification with.
Question 1
At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS
Who calls FALL IN?
Why not just call At Close Interval, FALL IN?
Question 2
Present, ARMS (Commander of the Color Guard asks for permission to be dismissed)
With Present, ARMS, what does each person do? I would assume the rifles go to present, I would also assume the state/unit flag dips, but what does the Commander do?
Question 3
The TC does not state whether or not the Color Guard swings their arms. There are so many videos online but there is no manual that states exactly what Army/National Guard performs in regard to their arm swings.
Guidance please.
Cadet Cervantes,
I usually answer questions within a couple of hours but these two weeks have had me running. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there for you. My answers are below.
1. You answered your question
“At Close Interval, Fall In!” is exactly the command. Good job.
2. The commander, national bearer, stands fast at Carry for Salutes.
3. Army is the only service required to swing arms because the guards are both at Right Shoulder and left hands are free. The other services have the guards at the outside/outboard shoulder and then there’s the requirement for the AF to follow Army technique because they are forced to for competitions.
Do not apologize for the tardiness, we all have families, jobs, commitments…I appreciate the response. This is the reason for the questions. Below is a the beginning sequence to the Cadet Corps Color Guard Competition Sequence. Our Regulations are all based on Army Regulations and it is a Copy/Paste of TC 3-21.5.
At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS
Ready, FRONT
What is the purpose of calling “FALL IN” and then calling “At Close Interval, Dress Right, DRESS?” Why not just have the commander call, “At Close Interval, FALL IN?” This just seems like a wasted movement. These are the Commands that must be given, does this seem like it needs to be changed or should I at least recommend the change?
Also, as a retired GySgt and former Drill Instructor, I am just used to the MCO 5060 and how it explains every single detail. The TC is about 290 pages and the MCO is darn near 600 pages. So I have tried to read every single manual on Color Guard drill and there is not exact description of how to Carry Colors or Order Colors. What is your opinion on this? I know that every branch has their own way and I know that each competition is different, I just want to ensure I am reading everything correctly. I have always followed one simple rule, “You can do whatever you want in drill, as long as you don’t break the rules of drill.” In other words, we conduct drill to fit the ceremony or competition, as long as it is not a direct negligence of the basics.
Hi Gunny,
I am constantly harping on the requirements of Fall In and that command taking care of dress, cover, interval, and dustance.
It seems that everyone is a D&C expert and can write whatever is necessary (the sequence you speak of) until a true D&C expert (you) comes across it and has nothing but questions.
There’s no reason to for the dressing commands after Fall In but let me tell you my theory. I’m willing to bet that many commands are included just to give more opportunity to judge the movements of the team. The same goes for the immediate dip of the colors for reporting in and out and during the uncasing and casing sequences when any military flag (departmental/organizational) should not dip in any of those situations.
What we gain in opportunity to judge, we significantly lose in proper procedures and protocol because what the cadets practice for competitions is what they perform every other time. We need to rework the sequences.
Thank you for your time. As my time in this position increases, I am sure I will have more questions/discussions for you. I figured your answer would be exactly that. At the same time, the judges that are selected for these events have experience as far as, being in the military. If they have any Drill Instruction experience, great, but if not, they are grading extra movements that they probably do not remember doing or do not know every single detail. Either way, I needed another perspective. Thank you.
To whom it may concern,
I am the Chief of the Distribution Division at Joint Munitions Command and am trying to correct some information that is distributed on your website concerning the Ceremonial Blank Ammunition that we provide for honors or for ceremonies for your organizations. The fact sheet that you have posted on your website lists the POC as Dawn Folland and has her email address. Ms. Folland has retired and our preference for any contact to be made to the following email address: and the phone number is 877-233-2515.
Please contact me with any further questions that you might have.
Mr. Senkbile,
Email sent to you. Thank you very much for the updated information. I added it to the article here: The Army Donations Program for a Firing Party.
Our veterans group Color Guard has been asked to present colors at an internationally covered golf tournament. South African flag is to be carried in formation and SA national anthem will be played. What is proper protocol to follow and in what order
Mr. Mizell,
All national flags remain vertical at all times. They never dip. US is always on the right, foreign national to the left of the US.
Looking for some assistance in getting the materials for the duties and the manual. Doesn’t seem to download from the links provided. Would someone please reach out to offer some help?
Email sent.
I have a question regarding AFMAN36-2203 (Drill & Ceremonies), is there a reason why on the references portion on the AFMAN they referenced the other service manuals (Army Field Manual 22-5, Drill and Ceremonies, and SECNAV 5060.22, Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual).
Would that mean we could reference the other manuals regarding anything about drill?
Thank you!
Now you have to read this:
And then this:
I’m trying to locate and buy replacement wooden bayonet grips for US Model 1919 that belonged to my father, the grips you show appear to be the correct ones, but I have a couple questions when you have time thank you.
phone # is 281-339-0508.
Question about gloves.
When are black Honor Guard gloves used or authorized?
I can find some suggestions but that does not mean much.
Mr. Breed,
The only black gloves authorized for US military honor guard teams are black leather cold weather lined. All other times, members must wear white gloves. I hope that’s helpful for you.
I am part of a group called Honoring America’s Warriors. Among other services we will provide Honor Guard and Color Guard. We have Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine personnel. My question concerns the USAF uniform for color guard. We wear the normal service uniform, not the ceremonial uniform, as we are not a Base Honor Guard. The question concerns the wearing of the ceremonial belt with the service uniform while performing duties as Color Guard. Acceptable or not acceptable according to regulation?
Mr. Watts,
Great question. I very much appreciate that you are aware of USAF uniform requirements.
The answer is no, the ceremonial belt is worn with the full set of Ceremonials for all Airmen: Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, and veterans. Only AFJROTC cadets can wear the ceremonial belt and cap as a special activities uniform.
I recommend that you and the other Airmen who are on the team wear a white web belt, you can add the silver waist plate buckle.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
Absolutely, the best drill instruction I have ever received. DrillMaster Marshall knows his stuff!!. Would recommend him to any JROTC who is struggling with instruction of Drill commands.
Thank you so much, MSgt Gunter! I loved working with the cadets, they are a true blessing. Until next time!
Do you have six 9’poles with ferrule & spade? I’m doing living history for 55,000 youth up at Oshkosh, WI and want my display to look right.
Mr. Thompson,
I have plenty of 9.5′ flagstaffs for you, but no 9′. All are guidon staffs with ferrules and spades. Will that work for you?
Are you doing this for Pathfinders in August? I’ll be there.
I believe I can get by with four 9′ poles w/ ferrule&spades and two metal sets to put on existing poles. 505-269-2904 is the number you can text me. I do need them soon for an event with 55,000 youth I’m doing in August.
I don’t have nine-foot staffs, only 9.5′.
Pls contact me on send me some videos 0241220173
I don’t have video to send you. If you want to contact me, use the contact form on the front page.
Drillmaster I am in an all women color guard here in NM. I need a question answered by you as soon as possible. Could you please contact me as soon as you can.
Please go to the main page of the website, scroll down to the contact form and shoot me an email there, I’ll respond as quickly as I can.
Yours is the ONLY website I have found that has a diagram for creating the stand for the Fallen Warrior Display (Boots/Rifle/Helmet). Thank you!!!
It’s my pleasure!
If you could send an email to, I can then give you the info you need. I can come out, work with you online or seek a local Driller to assist. Let’s discuss this and see what we can come up with. I look forward to your email!
Absolutely, Sgt. Campalone, I will get back with you right away.
Excellent website for training young motivated JROTC cadets. KUDOS
Thank you, sir!
I am a former Marine and a member of the American Legion Post 81 in Melbourne Florida. I am interested in finding a manual on Color Guard commands and drill execution. I have recently taken the lead on establishing the Color Guard for our Post, after the original members no longer where able to do it. We want to do it right and need references. We are all from different branches and need to get on the same sheet of music. Do you have any guidance that we could us for the new color gaurd that is going to come in to place? Thank you for your time
Best Regards
Roy Lombard, SGT,
USMC Veteran.
SGT Lambert,
First, thank you for your service to our country. I appreciate it.
Now on to the good news: I live in Melbourne! Right now I am in Kentucky training cadets for the summer, but will return in August.
The Honor Guard manual is the book to fit your needs exactly, you can find it here: Work using the manual and when I return I can help work with your team.
John K. Marshall
The DrillMaster
does the u s military have written protocall for proper display and presentation regarding the display and contents for the POW setting and if so can you forward it to m e. there seems to be to many chiefs and not enough indians to get it right, we don’t want to dishonor none.
Mr. Smart,
The military does not have guidance for the POW/MIA flag, the guidance comes from the League of Families. Here is my article that outlines the POW/MIA Ceremony: and here is a link to all of the POW/MIA information on my site: If you have any questions after reading all of this info, please let me know.
Hello, I host a 10 month internship every year and I would like to begin teaching and instructing drill with my students to instill, discipline, camaraderie, etc… Being that we are not a military organization such as a JROTC unit, is there any possibility of me entering these students in any type of RD or XD competitions?
Thank you!
Thank you very much for the note!
Yes, actually, there are a small hand full of competitions around the country. John Jay High School (TX) just announced their first annual independent competition, Melbourne High School (FL) will soon announce theirs and each summer there is a competition in Florida called FLDC (Florida Drill Competition) and NYDC (New York Drill Competition).
Here at The DrillMaster, I am working to generate and promote more competitions for indie Drillers like your students. I’ll send you an email so we can talk more.
Thank you, Mr. Lollar.
Thank you very much for the kind words. I post articles every M-W-F at 0800, EST. I also write special articles ever couple of weeks. I’m going to work out a subscription system eventually so that people can be informed of new articles/information.
Thank you for your service to our country; God bless America!
“The DrillMaster”