A DrillMaster Study on Present Arms with a Rifle

DrillMasterColor Guard/Color Team, Instructional, Regulation Drill Leave a Comment

You really need to read this to better understand the techniques required for Present. The service rifle changes over time to whatever the Army and Marine Corps decide to use as the primary weapon for the majority of Soldiers and Marines. For many years that has been the M16 and now the M4 is making its way into each service. For this study we will look at each current platform to include the M1 Garand, M14, and M1903 tracking the history of each, if necessary.

The Ultra-Reinforced DrillMaster Bayonet

DrillMasterAnnouncements, Drill Teams, DrillMaster Products Leave a Comment

It took three months to create the final version of the Ultra-Reinforced DrillMaster bayonet. The DrillMaster worked with the Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team and Supply Airmen to create this extremely reinforced bayonet. The picture below is the final version. extra spot welds and a small plate of steel to reinforce the handle. This DrillMaster Bayonet* is the Air Force …

You Don’t Really Need to Practice?

DrillMasterCommentary, Drill Team Training, Drill Teams, Honor Guard, Instructional Leave a Comment

You don’t really need to practice! You will be able to throw a rifle around in just a matter of weeks, especially if you sleep with your drill rifle under your pillow. OK, enough sarcasm, you need to practice. Every day. For a couple of hours at least and then wake up and do it again. World-class Driller Sam Gozo …

DrillMaster Reviews the Glendale DrillAmerica M1 Garand with Angel Solis

DrillMasterCommentary, Drill Teams, DrillMaster Recommends, Honor Guard, Review Leave a Comment

Angel and I were together for this review after I brought him up to Kentucky to give my Cadet Joint Service Honor Guard Academy cadets a taste of what armed exhibition drill is all about. The DrillAmerica M1 Garand and M1903 are the best ceremonial rifles you can buy especially since they come in chromed versions. For Drillers, no better …

The DrillAmerica M1 Garand Replica Rifle Review

DrillMasterCommentary, Drill Teams, DrillMaster Recommends, Honor Guard, Review Leave a Comment

Angel Solis with The DrillMaster [embedplusvideo height=”360″ width=”591″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/15E0UVg” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/eDDGEeNBDJo?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=eDDGEeNBDJo&width=591&height=360&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8553″ /] drillamerica, m1 garand, parade rifle, drill rifle, exhibition rifle, drillmaster product review

The Stacking Swivel and Stack Arms

DrillMasterDrill Teams, Honor Guard, Instructional Leave a Comment

Many Drillers who are not aware of what the stacking swivel is and what it is used for assume it is another swivel for attaching a sling, especially since most slings purchased today are very unnecessarily long (if you cut about 6 inches off of the sewn end, it will fit just fine). Here is a typical example: Even some …

Who makes the rifles that drill teams use?

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Commentary, Drill Teams, Honor Guard, Instructional 2 Comments

“We are the makers of rifles, and we are the dreamers of dreams” The M1917 “American Enfield” (9lbs. used from 1917 to mid 1960s, eventually replaced by the M1903) Winchester, Remington and Eddystone (Baldwin Locomotive Works in Eddystone, Pennsylvania). The British made the Lee Enfield Rifles which date from the late 1800s to the present day. Numerous version were created, …

Does a Drill Rifle Type Matter?

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Commentary, Drill Teams, Honor Guard, Instructional 8 Comments

Hypothetical situation (yet common): “Well we use M1 Grands and ours weigh 15lbs.” Oh. Really? That would be Garand, named after the man who created the rifle, Canadian-born, John Cantius Garand. For some reason some Drillers think that the heavier the rifle is, the better a Driller you are. This is simply not true. All rifles, including 2lb color guard …