The Argument From AFPAM 34-1203

DrillMasterColor Guard/Color Team, Commentary, Instructional, Judge Training, Regulation Drill 2 Comments

What argument would this be? It’s about using the other two service manuals. It gets a bit complicated, but bear with me as we go through why the AFPAM has so little information and what to do about it. We need to understand that all three drill and ceremonies manuals are lacking in certain aspects and using ones best judgment …

AFM 50-14 Cover 53 and 56

The Problems of AFPAM 34-1203

DrillMasterDrillCenter News, Regulation Drill Leave a Comment

After the USAF was created as its own uniformed service on September 18, 1947, it went from using Army Regulations to writing and using its own. When it came to drill and ceremonies, the newly created service looked at the Marine Corps and Army drill manuals and chose from what it considered the best from each (most from the MCO). One thing the USAF eventually left out (beginning in approximately the 1970s) was the manual of arms for the rifle. Why? Because the Army and Marine Corps had already accomplished that task and Airmen did not have a daily use for rifles like Soldiers and Marines.


JROTC, ROTC and More!

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Instructional 7 Comments

This page is the culmination of hours of research to bring information on all of the cadet programs available American youth. If youknow of yet another program, please let me know and I will add their information. JROTC Programs (in joint service order) JROTC stand for Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and is a high school program sponsored by each …

The Air Force Base Honor Guard Badge

DrillMasterCommentary, Drill Teams Leave a Comment

The Base Honor Guard (BHG) Badge, known as the “Cookie” is a device that only Active Duty, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard Airmen wear when they are assigned to a BHG. Not even retirees can wear it unless they are actively working with a BHG. I went through two weeks of honor guard training many years ago (1990) …

Beating a Performance Plateau with New and Improved!

DrillMasterDrill Team Training, Drill Teams, Instructional 1 Comment

Do you know why products are constantly puting new labels on them with words like: “NEW!” or “NEW and IMPROVED!” Comfort. We become comfortable with the things we have or use and we may be happy with using XYZ dish washing liquid for the rest of our lives, but the advertisers want to make sure you can’t live without it! …

Astronaut War Eagle Drill Meet Performance Critiques

DrillMasterDrill Team Training, Drill Teams, DrillMaster Performance Critiques, Instructional, Judging Leave a Comment

Astronaut High School’s Army JROTC hosted the 2015 War Eagle Drill Meet at their school in Titusville, FL on the 21st of February. I judged Unarmed Squad, used a new score sheet as a trial and recorded my usual commentary as the performances progressed. These recordings are standard in pageantry arts with music and visual judges giving feedback. My recordings …

January: Drill Season is Here!

DrillMasterDrill Team Training, Drill Teams, Instructional Leave a Comment

While some JROTC units have a busy first semester that includes drill meets, for many across America January is when the competitions begin. Some states, like Florida, do not have any drill meets until the end of January, leaving the first semester to Raider meets. Maybe, like the school where I teach, Merritt Island High School, you have been having …

What Base Honor Guard Members Need to Know: Uniform Trousers

DrillMasterHonor Guard, Honor Guard Training, Instructional 1 Comment

The Air Force Base Honor Guard (BHG) uniform is a modified standard USAF uniform. Stripes, an aiguillette, BHG arc and sewn creases are added like in the picture at right (that’s me, second from the left). You may notice that the right rifle guard’s stripe on his trouser leg is slightly bunched. This is a rampant problem with BHGs around …