Quoted from an AFROTC cadet. A cadet who is going to commission into the USAF/USSF. The quote was relayed to me. If the above statement is true, then writing AFMAN 34-515 (the USAF Honor Guard manual) culminated in several years of wasted of time and abuse of resources. Standards are written and applied to uphold laws and regulations and avoid …
New Leader Syndrome
Yes, it’s true, there is a plague that spreads about this time every year among many schools’ JROTC programs: the new leadership for the unit is being picked and the old leadership is getting ready to graduate. Here is the question I get most often at the end of each school year: “I’m going to be the new (Armed/Unarmed Drill …
JROTC, ROTC and More!
This page is the culmination of hours of research to bring information on all of the cadet programs available American youth. If youknow of yet another program, please let me know and I will add their information. JROTC Programs (in joint service order) JROTC stand for Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and is a high school program sponsored by each …
When Calling Commands, where does the commander face?
When Calling Commands, where does the commander face? (ROTC, JROTC) Those of us who have worked with Army units have had it drilled into our heads that you MUST face your platoon when giving commands during regulation drill. This necessitates a face-in-march or even marching backwards at times. Here is the excerpt from T.C. 3-21.5: 3-1 “a. When at the …
Why The DrillMaster for Cadets?
I was asked a short time ago why someone would hire me or use the skills I’ve acquired. That is an excellent question. Why indeed. Question: Concerning drill, what would you tell someone who is just coming into JROTC, whether they are an instructor or a cadet? Read. Read your service drill and ceremonies manual. You need to know it …
JROTC Recruitment and Fundraising
JROTC has not had the funding available to do many things over the last 2 years and I believe that it will either remain the same or become worse over time. Therein lies two issues, 1) recruitment of cadets and, 2) funding. A little while back, I posted on Instagram that I wanted cadets to send me their ideas on …
Beating a Performance Plateau with New and Improved!
Do you know why products are constantly puting new labels on them with words like: “NEW!” or “NEW and IMPROVED!” Comfort. We become comfortable with the things we have or use and we may be happy with using XYZ dish washing liquid for the rest of our lives, but the advertisers want to make sure you can’t live without it! …
Astronaut War Eagle Drill Meet Performance Critiques
Astronaut High School’s Army JROTC hosted the 2015 War Eagle Drill Meet at their school in Titusville, FL on the 21st of February. I judged Unarmed Squad, used a new score sheet as a trial and recorded my usual commentary as the performances progressed. These recordings are standard in pageantry arts with music and visual judges giving feedback. My recordings …
Exhibition Drill Application Levels
Performance Measurements When a Driller or team performs, there are four aspects of a performance that should to be measured. The level of education, training and skill is evidenced in a performance. You need to ensure that your solo or your team’s performance has all of the following aspects locked in at your team’s level of performance. Performance Aspects Drill: the …
January: Drill Season is Here!
While some JROTC units have a busy first semester that includes drill meets, for many across America January is when the competitions begin. Some states, like Florida, do not have any drill meets until the end of January, leaving the first semester to Raider meets. Maybe, like the school where I teach, Merritt Island High School, you have been having …
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