To many in the honor guard world the term casket watch, is unknown. That is unless you are on a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or EMS honor guard member. These members have known of and performed a casket watch for many years for their fallen.
How Should Multiple Flags be Folded When Taken Down? State Flag Folding
This is for outside flags (attached to a halyard and flown from a pole), not indoor/outdoor flags that are only for color guard flagstaffs for carrying and indoor display. The American Flag The American flag must always be folded into a triangle (ref: Flag Code). If it is wet from rain or snow, it is taken down, folded, and brought …
All About Posting or Presenting Colors
There is quite a bit of information and several situations that every color team needs to know to maintain the American flag in the position of honor – on the marching right or in front. The American flag never marches any other position. Never. Military and para-military (just about every organization that has its members in uniform) should follow military …
Wearing the Mourning Band
First responders have a black band that is worn over or around their badge/shield like what is pictured. The band signifies the loss of a colleague usually through a Line of Duty Death (LODD); the military equivalent to this would be an Active Duty Death. Three questions arise: How long should the department wear the band? Thirty days is the …
Making Things More “Ceremonialer”
“Ceremonialer” is the term I created as I’ve watched members of the military, first responders (many who are veterans), and cadets perform movements that do not bring any more reverence or honor to what they are doing at ceremonies becuase these movements or techniques are based on ego. When it comes to the American flag and rendering honors, never should …
Tuck Your Gloves! But, In Your Epaulet?
Some may find this innocuous, but (first responder) ceremonial guardsmen need to maintain a professional image when in uniform before, during and after a ceremony. Any other time that we are out of uniform, dress is most likely not an issue. For us in the military, it’s a big no-no to tuck gloves into an epaulet. That’s not where they belong …
American First Responder Joint Service Order
Is this a “thing”? I think so. My reasoning for the research and writing this article is to provide information that may be necessary for certain situations for American First Responders. For the US military, we have our joint service order or military order of precedence: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard. The order is based …
Firefighter Uniform for the Funeral Procession
I constantly receive questions on here my website and on my social media accounts. I also belong to a couple of Facebook first responder groups where drill and ceremonies and honor guard questions are posted from time-to-time. For some questions, I just read the responses and learn; for others, I am able to share my knowledge. This one was a …
The Burial at Sea
Burial at Sea is a long standing maritime tradition and, just like a committal service on land, there are certain procedures to follow. Picture courtesy of It’s not just military members, Coast Guard or Merchant Mariners, there are also law enforcement and firefighting departments that have water-dedicated sections and burial at sea for the members of those sections would …
The “Flake Monster” at Obama’s Farewell
It happens to the best. It’s called “Flaking” in the Ceremonial World. You hydrate, eat well, exercise and you don’t lock your knees, but all of the sudden, after standing for two-and-a-half hours, your vision pinpoints, you feel light headed and BAM! you are out cold on the ground. It’s physical, it’s mental, and it’s physiological. It is quite possible …