Cadets should not carry the departmental color, what the Army calls the Ceremonial Color, the 4’4”x5’6” or organizational 3’x4’ color with the official (copyrighted) symbol of the military service. Let’s get into why this is a standard that is little known.
The Colors Diamond Formation
The diamond formation is an alternative for traveling that is quite unique. When properly done, it looks good. It is used for traveling only, as it is not an appropriate static formation. Static formations are fully explained in service drill and ceremonies manuals. Is it authorized?
AFJROTC and CAP Color Guard Equipment
I was asked for direction for outfitting a CAP color guard with the proper equipment. Below is the full explanation with links.
Changing Color Guard Members For Long Parades
There is nothing official because this is not usual. However, those who do not march for a living and are not conditioned to do so, may want to station a second team half-way along the parade route to change out teams. There are a couple different ways to accomplish this. Let’s review.
Splitting a Color Guard Formation?
I was recently asked about splitting a color guard formation and this is such a good question, that I decided it needs to be an article to help inform others.
Protocol Manual Update, AFI 90-1201 Replaces AFI 34-1201
In October of 2024, the Air Force furthered the coverage of instructions and other regulations to include AFI 34-1201. It is now DAFI, Department of the Air Force Instruction, 90-1201 aligning it under the AF Policy Directive 90 series. Did artificial “intelligence” write this? Because this is really bad.
Presenting the Colors and Rain
Your team is asked to present the colors at a game outside and there’s a chance of rain. What do you do?
Joint International Color Guard Protocol
It’s an issue that has never been formally addressed before and the time has come to take care of the issue and give the US military guidance for all services. That means DoD Instruction 5410.19 Volume 4 needs to be updated. In this article I provide some suggestions for that.
When to Dip Colors in Salute
All military departmental and organizational colors dip only in specific instances. The instances are fully explained for the departmental colors and many do not understand that the restrictions to dip colors applies to all military organizational flags.
How to Stop Losing Sand From Flagstaff Floor Stands
I have 30 floor stands that I use in training. I store them and then move them into my truck for transportation to each training site. At the site, the stands are taken into the facility and moved around as needed throughout the training days. At the end of the course, the stands are put in my truck, I take them home, and put them up for storage.