I have 30 floor stands that I use in training. I store them and then move them into my truck for transportation to each training site. At the site, the stands are taken into the facility and moved around as needed throughout the training days. At the end of the course, the stands are put in my truck, I take them home, and put them up for storage.
Flag Protocol and the Marching Band Color Guard
Marching band and drum corps directors, color guard instructors, and flag printing companies have a very big responsibility to not violate Title 4 of the US Code, the Flag Code.
Why We Carry Flagstaffs at the Same Level
Nothing magical happens when the staffs are lifted from the marching surface that requires the American flag/color to be carried higher. Let me restate that. We do not carry the American flag higher than others flags except when two physical limitations are met.
The Ceremonial Application of Firefighter Equipment
Some fire color guards will march different tools for the guards which does not necessarily provide clear communication with the audience. This image at the top of the Baltimore County Fire Department color guard do provide good communication. However, the possible issue is the tool, it’s a type of pike pole with a very unique head. A modified Boston Rake …
“Big Scary Rifles”
In this article, I answer this question from a cadet. My school principal is not letting my school’s JROTC program use replica rifles in our color guard. Is there a specific regulation that says it required outside of Army Regulations? And does Army JROTC fall under Army Regulations since we didn’t take an oath to actually join?
Salutes for Color Bearers
PGR members line funeral processions and are usually holding flags on makeshift staffs. Nothing wrong with that at all. Specifically, some members want to give more and possibly feel that “just” standing in line with a flagstaff in the right hand isn’t enough. Many members will now hold the staff in the left hand and render some type of salute.
Consideration of Color Bearer Height and Waist Level is Mandatory
It boggles my mind that harness socket height is rarely considered. It’s time members of a color guard were made aware of the requirement. MCO 5060.20 states that colors are carried at the same level. If that is not possible, the national colors can be minimally higher but NEVER lower. TC 3-21.5 states colors are carried at the same level/height.
Why a Color Guard Does Not Fix Bayonets
Fixed bayonets are not authorized for military color guards, so why would anyone else do it? We can speculate as to why color guards chose to do it, but that’s not necessary. What is necessary is to educate everyone as to why it’s not the right thing to do. We will explore the reasons why a color guard fixing bayonets is not appropriate.
Responding To Your Own Commands
Commanders for Parade Staff, Flag Detail, and Color Guard, do not come to Attention (from Parade Rest) to call their formation to Attention. This article is for every branch of the US military and all cadets. The commander, in all three instances, is part of the formation and does not move independently of the other members of the formation. This is for uniformity.
The Bad JROTC Color Guard Routine
JROTC does not have consistency or uniformity for the most part. While there are some adequate routines for competitions, none of them really employ all of the skills required for a colors presentation. Some of the routines out there do not make sense and others have commands that do not exist. Speaking of which.