Air Force JROTC created a 30-Step Sequence for freshman cadets like the other service JROTC programs and I recently received several questions about the performance of the sequence.
Standards Do Not Apply?
Marine Corps Order 5060.20, Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies, is the drill and ceremonies (D&C) manual for the Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, and other sea services (NOAA, Merchant Mariners, and Public Health). But it doesn’t apply, as stated at the beginning of the manual, to two key organizations in the Marine Corps. Why on earth would that be? Let’s find out.
Proper Technique For the Platoon Commander
Here is the situation: The regulation drill sequence for a platoon. The commander, three steps away from and centered on the platoon in Line Formation, gives the following commands: Command The Commander Left Step Right Step Left Face Stands Fast Right Step Marches Backward at Half Step About Face Stands Fast Forward March Steps off with a Face-In-March to the …
The Problems of AFPAM 34-1203
After the USAF was created as its own uniformed service on September 18, 1947, it went from using Army Regulations to writing and using its own. When it came to drill and ceremonies, the newly created service looked at the Marine Corps and Army drill manuals and chose from what it considered the best from each (most from the MCO). One thing the USAF eventually left out (beginning in approximately the 1970s) was the manual of arms for the rifle. Why? Because the Army and Marine Corps had already accomplished that task and Airmen did not have a daily use for rifles like Soldiers and Marines.