
Why a Color Guard Does Not Fix Bayonets

DrillMasterColor Guard, Color Guard/Color Team, Honor Guard Training, Instructional Leave a Comment

Fixed bayonets are not authorized for military color guards, so why would anyone else do it? We can speculate as to why color guards chose to do it, but that’s not necessary. What is necessary is to educate everyone as to why it’s not the right thing to do. We will explore the reasons why a color guard fixing bayonets is not appropriate.

AJROTC Armed Platoon Nixa School District

When Does the Commander Move to Port From Sling and Back?

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Instructional, Regulation Drill Leave a Comment

Recently, I received a question that deserves to be an article. This happens constantly and is part of what I have called Filling in the Gaps. While I have been made fun of for using that term, there will always be someone with a question. They have a gap in their knowledge and are seeking to fill it.

A DrillMaster Study on Present Arms with a Rifle

DrillMasterColor Guard/Color Team, Instructional, Regulation Drill Leave a Comment

You really need to read this to better understand the techniques required for Present. The service rifle changes over time to whatever the Army and Marine Corps decide to use as the primary weapon for the majority of Soldiers and Marines. For many years that has been the M16 and now the M4 is making its way into each service. For this study we will look at each current platform to include the M1 Garand, M14, and M1903 tracking the history of each, if necessary.

Difference Between Official Military Department Flags and Novelty Military Flags

DrillMasterColor Guard, Color Guard/Color Team, DrillCenter News Leave a Comment

This article will help you understanding the difference between official military departmental flags and novelty military flags. Flags have always played a significant role in the military. They serve as symbols of unity, identity, and honor, representing the values and traditions of a nation’s armed forces. While the official military department flags are well-recognized and carry historical significance, novelty military …

USN CG Colors

What Does “Order Arms” Really Mean For A Color Guard?

DrillMasterColor Guard, Color Guard/Color Team, Regulation Drill Leave a Comment

Order Arms for a color guard can be confusing. Let’s see how. TC 3-21.5 – Army While this is for the Army only, AFJROTC and SFJROTC cadet color guards are currently, more or less, forced to follow the TC. For a thought-out approach to the AF/SF regulation drill color guard, click here to read this article. The command “Order Colors” …

Spang BHG Colors in Luxembourg

Carrying a Foreign National or All Service Colors

DrillMasterColor Guard, Color Guard/Color Team, Honor Guard Training, Instructional, Protocol and Flag Leave a Comment

This is huge. This changes 95% of color guards overseas as to make up (what flags are carried and when) and also affects some of the stateside teams as well. The protocol behind carrying foreign national flags was just assumed for many years. We can’t just assume anymore.

The Argument From AFPAM 34-1203

DrillMasterColor Guard/Color Team, Commentary, Instructional, Judge Training, Regulation Drill 2 Comments

What argument would this be? It’s about using the other two service manuals. It gets a bit complicated, but bear with me as we go through why the AFPAM has so little information and what to do about it. We need to understand that all three drill and ceremonies manuals are lacking in certain aspects and using ones best judgment …