The Difference Between Mark Time and Half Step

DrillMasterColor Guard, Color Guard/Color Team, Drill Team Training, Drill Teams, Instructional, Judge Training, Regulation Drill Leave a Comment

OK, we know that Mark Time has you marching in place and Half Step has you marching forward at half the size as a normal step. But, there is confusion out there and I see it constantly. Mark Time Service Differences The Army tells us that the foot is brought straight up off the marching surface two inches. The Marine …

Drill Team Technique

Running Practice for a Competitive Drill Team

DrillMasterColor Guard/Color Team, Drill Team Training, Drill Teams, Instructional Leave a Comment

Training, Practice and Rehearsal, three different types of well, practice. Here is an article on the Difference Between Practice and Rehearsal and an article on the Difference Between Practice and Training. Whether you are on a first responder or military honor guard or a JROTC/ROTC drill team, your responsibilities are the same to a point: develop your skills, keep them …