DrillMaster explains To the Rear March for Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard, Sea Cadets, Sea Scouts, MCJROTC, NJROTC, CGJROTC, and Young Marines.
Why The DrillMaster for Cadets?
I was asked a short time ago why someone would hire me or use the skills I’ve acquired. That is an excellent question. Why indeed. Question: Concerning drill, what would you tell someone who is just coming into JROTC, whether they are an instructor or a cadet? Read. Read your service drill and ceremonies manual. You need to know it …
Excellence is More Than “Clean”
“Clean” has many different definitions. In visual terms, however, we use it to mean, “having no needed corrections; easily readable”. WHOA! what is this “easily readable” stuff, are we are talking about drill teams? Yes, drill teams are a part of the visual performance family. This family includes, dance, marching band, step, etc. Click here for my article explaining Readability. See …
The Military Cordon
Military cordons (two lines of people, armed or unarmed, facing each other) are used for arrival/departure ceremonies and awards banquets. While the rifle manual here needs work, they do a fine job. If you have any questions, please ask.