I’ve been told twice in two days that I “cherry pick” information. In one instance it was purely an insult, but it came from an adult who doesn’t like accuracy or the truth. The second time came from a college level cadet who thought the two USAF D&C standards and who is authorized to follow them, doesn’t make sense.
The Benefits of Military Drill
DrillMaster explains the numerous benefits of military drill and ceremonies.
The DrillMaster Reading List
Over time, I will update this list as needed. For now, educate yourself. Many of the following manuals are the Resources page. Service Drill and Ceremonies Training Circular 3-21.5, Drill and Ceremonies Marine Corps Order 5060.2, Drill and Ceremonies Air Force Manual 36-2203, Drill and Ceremonies Regulation Drill Training (portable lesson plans) DrillMaster’s Color Guard Coach’s Field Manual DrillMaster’s Platoon, …