The Seven Parts of an Exhibition Drill Routine In the article, How to Keep a Drill Team Going, I briefly mentioned the seven parts of an exhibition drill (XD) routine. Here, I will expand on and explain those parts. These parts are a good way to break down the routine into digestible parts when programing (creating). The information provided below …
When Calling Commands, where does the commander face?
When Calling Commands, where does the commander face? (ROTC, JROTC) Those of us who have worked with Army units have had it drilled into our heads that you MUST face your platoon when giving commands during regulation drill. This necessitates a face-in-march or even marching backwards at times. Here is the excerpt from T.C. 3-21.5: 3-1 “a. When at the …
What does the Drill Team Commander do?
What does the Drill Team Commander do? Excellent question! Here is the answer: Regulation Drill Feeling a little Canadian? The team commander stands in one spot and calls commands. The only movements the commander makes is facing the team as they move around the drill area. This may seem strange to Americans, but it is understandable (judging the team as …
The Difference Between Accuracy and Precision
This video can be of great help to you in training.
A Reading Plan for JROTC Instructors and Cadets
For many years now, I’ve received requests from JROTC instructors, especially those recently retired and new to the program, and some highly motivated cadets as to where to begin when teaching/learning drill. For regulation and color guard drill: Army- Training Circular (TC) 3-21.5. Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard- Marine Corps Order (MCO)P5060.2 Air Force*- Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 36-2203 …
Last-Minute Performance Advice
I am consistently asked about last-minute advice whether it be for a competition the next day the next week or even the next month. Most of the time the request for advice comes a bit too late to fix any major issues. What what a team can work on at the last minute is uniforms and haircuts, etc, but teams …
The “Ownership” Style of Leadership
There really isn’t a style of leadership called the “Ownership Style”, it is the best way I have found to describe this very bad technique of leading subordinates. It most likely stems from selfishness, insecurity, and fear and it is wrong. Here is how it works. In each one of these pictures, there is at least one thing wrong. This …
The DrillMaster DrillUp! Clinic
I’ve been teaching in various official capacities since 1986 and since 2009, I’ve been teaching various elements of what I have developed into a formal clinic for cadets, mainly, and JROTC instructors. The best news is that the clinic is free! I teach it to JROTC units as I travel the country instructing first responder ceremonial units. The text of the …
The Obstacles of a Parade
When I was in AFJROTC (’79-’83), we didn’t have scoopers right behind horse entries in a parade. They were the unsung heroes who brought up the very rear, just in front of the police car with the flashing lights signaling the end of the parade. This meant that everyone in the parade had to dodge, duck, dip, dive and… dodge …
Drill Team Organizational Guidance Examples
Standards. The military is about setting and maintaining standards- even exceeding them. A cadet organization is not different. An extra-curricular activity of that program also needs to set and maintain standards. Those standards are of what is expected from each team member and what each team member can expect. Here are some examples. I encourage you to look them over, …