DrillMaster explains what a drill team and honor guard members need in the way of footwear and how to care for your shoes and boots.
How to Blouse Your Boots
When I first began teaching as the DrillMaster, I wore the Army Combat Uniform (photos below) until I achieved my goal of wearing a generic solid blue Tactical Duty Uniform (above) when I teach. Many years ago while I was still active duty in the Air Force I bought blousing weights to give a “squared-off” look to my Battle Dress …
Tuck Your Gloves! But, In Your Epaulet?
Some may find this innocuous, but (first responder) ceremonial guardsmen need to maintain a professional image when in uniform before, during and after a ceremony. Any other time that we are out of uniform, dress is most likely not an issue. For us in the military, it’s a big no-no to tuck gloves into an epaulet. That’s not where they belong …