Greece, one of the oldest civilizations on the planet has had a military for as long as its been around. As a matter of fact, today’s military movements come from the Greeks and Romans, but I digress. This video shows part of he ceremony of the Presidential Guard (Evzones – tsoliades) at the Greek Parliament guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The video shows what Americas might describe as a very strange marching style however, this is another article in the series of appreciating other cultures. These guards spend hours honing their ceremonial skills just like the American military honor guard members, they are just very different.
A note on the title of the video: the individual who posted it titled it, “Greece-Presidential palace,shame on guard.” However, this is wrong: the video is not at the Presidential Palace, it is a the Greek Parliament. The inclusion of “shame on guard” reflects the complete lack of understanding of the video poster as to what happens in real life. Accidents happen all the time because we are just human beings. If you would, please post under the video an request the title be changed to have “shame on guard” removed. There is no shame in slipping and falling.
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The whole ceremony
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