Each American service drill team can be requested for a performance. There are certain requirements, however. Here is how to get in touch with the teams or the service’s honor guard public affairs unit which handles performance requests. Click on each title to be taken to the information page. US Army, the Old Guard, Silent Drill Team US Marine Corps …
Drill in the Movies
Many movies have been made over the years that are about a certain aspect of the military. But did you know that some movies have actually had a performing drill team in them? In my book, Exhibition Drill for the Military Drill Team, Vol. II, I listed, after extensive research, all of the movies I could find that featured drill …
The Silent Drill Platoon: One of the 24
The USMC Silent Drill Platoon has 24 members. That’s it. And they are hand picked to be on the team. There are always other Marines waiting on the sidelines, practicing to take a spot one day. [embedplusvideo height=”360″ width=”591″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/dYxBZMKKx90?fs=1” vars=”ytid=dYxBZMKKx90&width=591&height=360&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep5797″ /]