Pieces Parts: M1, M1903 and M14 Drill Rifle, DrillAmerica, Daisy Drill Rifle parts
This is Drill Life: rifles break or lose a screw. Where does a Driller go to find parts for his/her rifle? Need a butt plate for your M1? An upper band with a bayonet lug for your Daisy Drill Rifle? Look no further!
If you have a demilitarized M1 Garand, M1903, DrillAmerica 1903 or a Daisy Drill Rifle, Numrich Gun Parts Corporation, Old Western Scrounger SARCO, Inc. (a direct SARCO link for a set of 1903 parts: E-SARCO), Liberty Tree Collectors and Battlefield Relics (BFR) are your best choices for parts.
“I need an upper band with a bayonet lug for a 1903!” OK, See this article.
where to get parts, M1903 parts, M1 Garand parts, M14 parts, upper band, rifle parts, drill team, bayonet lug
Comments 8
I need to buy a bayonet lug and a bayonet. I live in Germany so I will need to have it shipped to me. How much money would a bayonet lug and a good bayonet be with shipping from you?
I sent you an email.
I did not get the E-Mail would you please send it again?
Sorry about that. I will send it again just to make sure I have the right email, but here is what I sent: A bayonet shipped to an APO is $55. If you have a German civilian address, I’ll have to charge you the rate to ship it overseas which would probably make it around $75 total.
I have a CMR, and live on base in Wiesbaden. I also need a bayonet lug if you could tell me how much that would cost.
OK, a CMR is also an APO address, good. I recommend going to http://www.battlefieldrelic.com (no “S” after “relic”) and purchasing an upper band with a lug. Battlefield Relics is the best! I sent you another email to the address you provided and I did not get an error email in return, but I guess you did not receive that one either?
Right, I cant get your emails for some reason ):
Yeah, that’s strange. My email is “drillmaster 001 at gmail periodcom”. No spaces and with the appropriate symbols. Send me an email so that I can make sure I have it right. You can order The DrillMaster Bayonet here: http://drillmaster.wpengine.com/drillmaster-bayonet/.