INDIANA QUARTERED OAK CO. – Military Drill Rifle
This drill rifle was made in un-weighted and weighted models. Both of these had the same external appearance. The rifle illustrated above is the weighted model. To bring the weight up to 8 ½ lb. a 1″ diameter steel rod 8″ long was inserted in the action area and a 3″ piece was inserted into the butt stock. These holes were then plugged with a short wooden dowel. The barrel on both models was a 5″ length of 5/8″ diameter steel rod. The added weights gave their rifle the same weight and balance as the 1903 Springfield rifle.
The advertisement below shows a rifle with a sling attached although no sling is specified in the list of included items. I suspect that you were required to provide your own sling if one was needed.
From the paper, Non-Firing Drill and Training Rifles, by By Malcolm MacPherson
The next installment: In-VU Wood Rifle