CT asks:
Hello DrillMaster,
I would like to know if after giving left flank can the commander march backward while the platoon marches forward towards the commander during Regulation Drill. I have looked everywhere and nowhere can I find it.
It’s good to hear from you; thanks for the question. The answer is: no, it’s not necessary and here is why:
Keep this image below in mind as you read.
The Span of Control (DrillMaster term)
The Left Flank
The commander flanks with the team calling the next command over the right/left* shoulder.
*Over the right shoulder for every command except for commands that go to the left.
The Column Left
The commander halts at the command, March, marches in place, and then executes a Face-in-March to the left to continue with the team and pick up half step when the center of the formation comes into line with the commander.
The Column Right
The commander makes his/her way around the team keeping to the left of the formation. It just takes a little while.