How to Switch Sides During a Column Movement

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, DrillCenter News, Instructional Leave a Comment

This will be for XD (Exhibition Drill) and is fairly easy. We need to number each of the elements/squads as usual: the far left squad is number 1 and the far right squad is number 3 (or 4). The movement is called as two consecutive right steps are taken. On the first left, the first squad leader executes a right …

Why do we Practice the way we do?

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Commentary, Instructional Leave a Comment

Sometimes students have a hard time understanding why it is we spend so much time working on individual skills, when it’s easy to see that most of the team can do the skills. I tell them it’s a lot like a sports team. Every experienced baseball player has skills – they already know how to run, how to hit, and …

Becoming a Professional Driller

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Commentary, Instructional Leave a Comment

Q: How can I become a professional Driller? A: What you are talking about is becoming an Independent (Indie) Driller which very few people have done successfully. Why very few? Most likely because the military drill world is relatively small and there hasn’t been anything offered to anyone who would like to drill after high school or even college. Within …

How to Become a Certified Visual Judge

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Drill Teams, DrillCenter News, Honor Guard, Instructional 2 Comments

The World Drill Association and DrillMaster now offer a training and certification program for judges for the military drill world. All aspects of military drill come under the visual category and should be judged as such. That is where the program comes in. There are four visual captions: 1. Overall Effect 2. Composition Analysis 3. Movement 4. Equipment Also a …

Sword Maintenace and Care

DrillMasterDrillCenter News, Instructional 6 Comments

While stationed in Germany from ’07-’10, I had the chance to visit WKC sword makers in Solingen, Germany. I never could coordinate a good time to stop by to say hello and meet some sword makers. They don’t give factory tours anymore since their processes were being stolen and (unsuccessfully) copied by other companies. This is their info for caring …

Dipping the American Flag

DrillMasterCommentary, DrillCenter News, Honor Guard, Instructional 6 Comments

I read this short article that was sent to me by a retired Marine friend of mine: The 1908 Summer Olympics were held in London, England were extremely controversial. Many of the medals were won by Irish and Irish-American athletes who were not only members of the Irish American Athletic Club of Celtic Park in Sunnyside, Queens, but also members …

Tulane 2012 Solo Commentaries

DrillMasterCommentary, Drill Teams, Instructional Leave a Comment

The Mardis Gras Drill Meet at Tulane University 2012 was a great success! I was there judging solos. There were 12 competitors and all did a great job. The cadets from West Point, University of South Carolina NROTC and Norwich all pulled away from the others with great routines. I forgot my digital voice recorder, but used my Android phone’s …