The US Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team

Visual and Movement Layering in Exhibition Drill

DrillMasterDrill Team Training, Drill Teams Leave a Comment

When we look at an exhibition drill performance, a drill team has numerous options. The best way to create an effective performance is to understand the fundamentals of design. This article looks at static presentations.

Layered Movement Design

This is the layering movement over movement or movement that is opposite other movement.

  1. Rifle/body work over marching. Movement over movement.
  2. Call-Response. The commander executes a short sequence, and the team responds with the same sequence. This is usually found in unarmed exhibition drill. (Movement opposite movement)
  3. A-A/A-B. See the article, What is A-A and A-B Drill? (Movement opposite movement)

Layered Visual Design

This is layering the look of the team, both statically and while moving.

AFHG Wedge Sample Formation
AFHG Wedge Sample Formation

A representation of the AF Drill Team at the top of the page

Visual Layering

At the top of the page is the US Air and Space Force Honor Guard Drill Team. They are in a wedge formation. There are two ways to layer when working with multiple lines:

  1. Low, high, and higher. In the image above, you can see how this looks with the team using a low stance, a variation of a kneeling Queen Ann Salute, and then a higher stance for some of those behind using a standing Queen Ann Salute variation.
  2. Windows. In the top image, the team commander, moving to Present Arms with his sword, is in the center, between the two Airmen at the “point” of the wedge.
View of "Windows" from Front
View of “Windows” from Front

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