When to use The Ceremonial Pike Pole and Fire Axe

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Honor Guard, Instructional 2 Comments

Firefighter honor guards have the unique ability to use two implements of their trade for ceremonial use: the pike pole and fire axe. The Pike Pole First used to unhorse and attacker in the middle ages, it is now used to pull ceilings down and sort of other things to search for hazards. There are two ceremonial versions, one about …

“Unarmed” Colors

DrillMasterCommentary, Honor Guard, Instructional Leave a Comment

“Unarmed Color Team” is a term used for competitions and is due to the category: If the drill team is unarmed, then the color team is “unarmed.” If the drill team is armed then the color team is armed. Having said that, there is no such thing as an unarmed color team. Here at Drillmaster, we differentiate terms: Color Team …