When I first began teaching as the DrillMaster, I wore the Army Combat Uniform (photos below) until I achieved my goal of wearing a generic solid blue Tactical Duty Uniform (above) when I teach. Many years ago while I was still active duty in the Air Force I bought blousing weights to give a “squared-off” look to my Battle Dress …
DrillMaster Offers Certifications
The DrillMaster offers the only trainer, instructor, coach and adjudicator certification program for the Military Drill World. With each certification you then have the knowledge necessary to start creating a foundation of education for those you train. You can build on my knowledge and experience and go further! This is an overview, please contact me to find out complete details. …
All About Uniform Gloves
White Gloves I constantly see pictures of cadets, Active Duty, Reserve and Guard, and first responder teams wearing gloves that look terrible. Whether its the “Flag Bearer Gloves” (at right) or the dress gloves with a snap or no snap, they all are either (loose) or a bad idea (look almost “industrial”). The picture at right is a bit misleading …
To Fringe or Not to Fringe, That is the Question
I originally wrote this in December of 2017. This update, December of 2023, includes links to other articles to help fully explain the issues. Please read about the difference between a flag and a color. According to the US Army, fringe is an honorable enrichment only, not an integral part of the color. As it is attached on the edge, …
Got Squeaky Shoes?
While wearing your shoes (low quarters/boots/civvy shoes), move your feet back and forth and side to side to try to pinpoint from where the squeak is coming. Once you find the area that is squeaking, sprinkle it with corn starch or baking powder, inside and out. This will help to absorb noisy moisture and reduce or even eliminate noise. See …
The “Magic White Glove Effect”
It’s truly amazing. One minute you are doing your job in your department or unit and then supervision comes in and chooses you and a couple of others “to be an honor guard” for an upcoming event.
The Difference Between Accuracy and Precision
This video can be of great help to you in training.
Making Things More “Ceremonialer”
“Ceremonialer” is the term I created as I’ve watched members of the military, first responders (many who are veterans), and cadets perform movements that do not bring any more reverence or honor to what they are doing at ceremonies becuase these movements or techniques are based on ego. When it comes to the American flag and rendering honors, never should …
Last-Minute Performance Advice
I am consistently asked about last-minute advice whether it be for a competition the next day the next week or even the next month. Most of the time the request for advice comes a bit too late to fix any major issues. What what a team can work on at the last minute is uniforms and haircuts, etc, but teams …
Tuck Your Gloves! But, In Your Epaulet?
Some may find this innocuous, but (first responder) ceremonial guardsmen need to maintain a professional image when in uniform before, during and after a ceremony. Any other time that we are out of uniform, dress is most likely not an issue. For us in the military, it’s a big no-no to tuck gloves into an epaulet. That’s not where they belong …