So, just what are judges looking for? In general, they don’t know. Drill meet judges are not trained, they are briefed about an hour before the competition. Some get their briefing a day prior. It’s still a briefing, it’s not training since no one involved has enough time to readily digest and process the new information and then practice applying the info. This includes drill meets that I’ve run.
Olympic Flag Protocol
For international flag protocol, this is accepted. This image is from the International Olympic Committee when the organization announced the USA would have the 2034 Olympic games in Salt Lake City, UT. I am not a fan of this in the least. The Olympic flag is placed to the right of national flags as far as the IOC is concerned. …
Handling the Flag
There are proper ways to handle a flag. This article goes over several proper techniques and shows some that are less than desirable and even inappropriate.
US Air Force Seal, Emblem, and Symbols
The US Air Force has different images that officially represent the military service in formal and informal settings. The Seal, Emblem, and other symbols are all trademarked for official use only. Educational use is authorized as well. Flag making companies are using the USAF Emblem to sell unauthorized cheap flags and members of the American public are buying them.
Salutes for Color Bearers
PGR members line funeral processions and are usually holding flags on makeshift staffs. Nothing wrong with that at all. Specifically, some members want to give more and possibly feel that “just” standing in line with a flagstaff in the right hand isn’t enough. Many members will now hold the staff in the left hand and render some type of salute.
The Order of Colors and the Order of Troops
Is the order of colors (flags) the same as the order of troops? One would think so. It should be for all colors, but there’s mixed info. Let’s look closely.
Consideration of Color Bearer Height and Waist Level is Mandatory
It boggles my mind that harness socket height is rarely considered. It’s time members of a color guard were made aware of the requirement. MCO 5060.20 states that colors are carried at the same level. If that is not possible, the national colors can be minimally higher but NEVER lower. TC 3-21.5 states colors are carried at the same level/height.
The Disposition of American Flags
There are instances where we may want to “honor” someone by doing something that possibly violates the Flag Code due to ignorance. This article aims to eliminate that ignorance and inform on ways to truly honor the ones who served our country.
The Flag Draping the Casket
The only way to ensure a flag doesn’t move when draped on a casket is to put a casket band on it or underneath it and then tuck the flag into it.
Why a Color Guard Does Not Fix Bayonets
Fixed bayonets are not authorized for military color guards, so why would anyone else do it? We can speculate as to why color guards chose to do it, but that’s not necessary. What is necessary is to educate everyone as to why it’s not the right thing to do. We will explore the reasons why a color guard fixing bayonets is not appropriate.