Here are some that I use and some suggestions from The DrillMaster:
- #DrillMaster (#drillmaster is used by others)
- #askdrillmaster
- #DrillCenter
- #drillteam
- #rifle (used by anyone associating anything with a rifle)
- #drillmeet
- #colorteam / #colorguard (this one is used my marching band color guards)
- #drill (this one is used by the oil and water drilling community)
- #mdw (Military Drill World)
- #honorguard
Event Tags:
- #thenationals (National High School Drill Team Championships)
- #ProAm13 (coming soon!)
The possibilities are just about endless, but be consistent and we can all use the same tags and search for the topics we are all passionate about.
One more thing- capitalization matters in hash tags.
What tags do you use?