It boggles my mind that harness socket height is rarely considered. It’s time members of a color guard were made aware of the requirement. MCO 5060.20 states that colors are carried at the same level. If that is not possible, the national colors can be minimally higher but NEVER lower. TC 3-21.5 states colors are carried at the same level/height.
The Disposition of American Flags
There are instances where we may want to “honor” someone by doing something that possibly violates the Flag Code due to ignorance. This article aims to eliminate that ignorance and inform on ways to truly honor the ones who served our country.
The Flag Draping the Casket
The only way to ensure a flag doesn’t move when draped on a casket is to put a casket band on it or underneath it and then tuck the flag into it.
Why a Color Guard Does Not Fix Bayonets
Fixed bayonets are not authorized for military color guards, so why would anyone else do it? We can speculate as to why color guards chose to do it, but that’s not necessary. What is necessary is to educate everyone as to why it’s not the right thing to do. We will explore the reasons why a color guard fixing bayonets is not appropriate.
When Does the Commander Move to Port From Sling and Back?
Recently, I received a question that deserves to be an article. This happens constantly and is part of what I have called Filling in the Gaps. While I have been made fun of for using that term, there will always be someone with a question. They have a gap in their knowledge and are seeking to fill it.
FL CAP Colors Competition Critique MP3s
It was a beautiful morning at Patrick Space Force Base! Click on the links below to download each DrillMaster Audio Performance Critique file. Brandon Homestead Lake Pines Tamiami
The History of Fringe
Theories abound about the flag, the fringe, the finial, and even the direction the flag is displayed. It’s a bit ridiculous. Having said that, there may be some tiny bit of truth to admiralty law being represented by fringe, maybe. Still, knowledge of history is going to be our friend and help us understand what fantasy is and what is truth. Let’s start here.
A DrillMaster Study on Present Arms with a Rifle
You really need to read this to better understand the techniques required for Present. The service rifle changes over time to whatever the Army and Marine Corps decide to use as the primary weapon for the majority of Soldiers and Marines. For many years that has been the M16 and now the M4 is making its way into each service. For this study we will look at each current platform to include the M1 Garand, M14, and M1903 tracking the history of each, if necessary.
A Flag is a Flag is a Flag – The DrillMaster Study
With apologies to Gertrude Stein (a Rose is Rose), a flag is not a flag, which is also not a flag, necessarily. Let’s wade through what flags are and are not.
The Redundancy of State Orders for Half-Staff Flags: A Clarification for Governors
When the President of the United States orders the American flag to be flown at half-staff, it serves as a directive for federal buildings and grounds across the nation. This article aims to clarify for state governors the redundancy of issuing separate orders for the same purpose.