School Flag Detail

No School JROTC or CAP Program?

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Color Guard/Color Team 2 Comments

No problem! The “Military Club” can help. (updated 21 May 2024)

There are all kinds of cadet and explorer programs attached to elementary and high schools around the country. Read more about them here. Some schools have a small program that concentrates on providing a color guard and/or a Flag Detail. But how do you start one?

I have received this question before and provided guidance and now that I have received it again, I think we should flesh this out and make an article about it.

First Things First, Second Things Second, and so on…

First, write up a proposal of what you want the program to do.

  • You could have a color guard (presents the colors at all kinds of functions) and/or a flag detail (raises and lowers the flag daily).
  • You will want to include what standards to follow (usually, Army: TC 3-21.5 and AR 840-10).
  • Suggest a type of uniform, something that everyone could wear without spending an excessive amount of money (you could begin with jeans and a polo-type shirt and progress from there).
  • Set up training days and times. How often? How long?
  • Write up what the leadership positions will be. The Color Guard Captain carries the American flag, what are the position’s other responsibilities? What does the Flag Detail Captain do?
  • Create a brief curriculum to teach each position of a color guard and/or the flag detail.

Second, get a worksheet together (I did most of the work for you at that link) on the equipment you think you will need and have an idea for fundraising to take care of purchasing the equipment.

Next, get all of your ducks in a row and schedule some time with the principal and even the superintendent to give a briefing on the plans you have. This will enable support at the top that can begin the search for a teacher/staff member who will sponsor the program at the school.

Then, recruit students and fundraise.

Finally, do what you said you would do. Support the school and local community events with colors presentations, flag raising, trash cleanup, parking guidance, and anything else you can think of to get noticed and give back.

In Addition

There’s more information here and a summary. While the subject may not be exactly what you are looking for, there are still good ideas in each for you to consider.

This is one you will definitely need to know.

The only way you will be able to afford the equipment, and you need to get the best authorized equipment and have a plan for maintenance to have it last as long as possible, is to fundraise.

  1. Create a plan for your group and write everything down. Have a plan of how you will raise funds.
    • The equipment you will need.
    • When you will meet.
    • How you plan on supporting the school and the local community (colors presentations at rallies and games and for local community events, etc.).
    • Uniforms. I highly suggest you just go with khaki trousers, polo shirts, and maybe a ball cap with the school logo on it. It will be a waste of time and funds to get military uniforms.
  2. Your club needs to be an official club at your school. See your principal with your documentation.
  3. Recruit students.
  4. Fundraise. See the Lions Club, Rotary, and other clubs. Ask to speak at a meeting and give your pitch about the club and your plans for it. Use the information from your documentation. is the place to go for flagstaffs and harnesses. and colors Get 8′ guidon staffs, stands, and black web colors harnesses. Get 3’x5′ colors.

Your club doesn’t have to be a “military club” but a small organization whose members want to serve the school and community by properly rendering honors at games and other occasions.

Comments 2

  1. Hello Sir,

    I would like to start a Color Guard at a Girls Catholic High School to present Colors at our events (when appropriate) for students that are very interested. I already have approval from the school administration but would like to ask about the flags. I know that the Color Guard Captain carries the United States
    Flag but wanted to inquire more about the secondary flag. As a catholic high school would it be more appropriate to have our state flag or would it have to be a flag with our school crest? I appreciate any advice you may give.

    1. Post


      Having two color bearers and two guards is standard. If you base your standards on Army Training Circular 3-21.5, consider the school flag to be the organizational (which it really is).

      I suggest your standard team be made up of two (unarmed) guards and two colors bearers (US and school) for all school presentations. When going outside of school, you could add the state flag to the left of the US. I encourage you to also consider adding the Christian flag as well. It’s placement would be to the left of the US/state flag (although we know exactly Who is in charge of everything, this follows flag protocol). Carrying all flags all the time is fine as well.

      If you have any more questions, please feel free to email me (I just sent you an email). I wish you the best of success for creating this new team, I am 100% sure it will have a positive impact on the students!


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