Regarding Ambidexterity

DrillMasterDrill Teams, Instructional, Judging Leave a Comment

The definition according to am·bi·dex·trous [am-bi-dek-struhs] 1. able to use both hands equally well: an ambidextrous surgeon. 2. unusually skillful; facile: an ambidextrous painter, familiar with all media. For the military drill world, having ambidexterity means 1. being able to use both hands/arms to manipulate your piece of equipment for armed exhibition drill and, 2. being able to use …

The Opening Statement

DrillMasterCommentary, Drill Teams, Instructional Leave a Comment

When I judge, I create a commentary/critique of each performance during the performance and I then post it on my website here for the Drillers/teams to download and listen to. On many of my recordings, you can hear me talk about the Driller’s or team’s “opening statement.” But what is this opening statement? Defining the Term In military exhibition drill …

Where can I find a complete list of exhibition drill moves?

DrillMasterAsk DrillMaster, Commentary, Drill Teams, Instructional 1 Comment

Some other countries use a separation of terms: Foot Drill and Rifle Drill. At The DrillMaster, we use “Drill” as meaning the feet; Unarmed Exhibition Drill (UXD) and Armed Exhibition Drill (AXD) to mean the body and equipment movement layered over the drill for the feet. On with the question. In General There isn’t such a thing as a “complete …

Routine Design Considerations

DrillMasterInstructional Leave a Comment

Issues to consider when designing/programing a routine. The Routine Marching Surface- hard (asphalt or cement) or soft (some gymnasium floors and grass)- does the routine rely on taps on the shoes or butt slams? Location of performance area: The direction you will be facing (into the sun?). Audience location- near or far? Audience safety may be an issue as well …