- Casket: a rectangular-shaped box in which the dead are buried.
- Coffin: a six-sided box for the same purpose. The ends taper inward toward the head and feet. Not widely used in America, used extensively in Europe and other countries.
- Interment: the burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites.
- Internment: the imprisonment or confinement of people, commonly in large groups, without trial (FEMA Camps).
See also Rendering Honors, The Briefing for Funeral Directors and Honor Guard Members.
What is an Interment Flag?
This is what the American flag is called that is draped over a casket. It is a cotton general purpose flag that is 5 feet by 9 1/2 feet with embroidered stars. There are certain companies that make these flags and each company has slight variations to their flags. If you speak with someone who has been a pallbearer for a while he/she just might be able to tell you about these slight variations and where the first fold into the canton lands, etc.
Per the Flag Code and military manuals, the interment flag is only draped on a casket or military transfer case. It should never be placed on a shipping container (used for transporting a casket in the cargo area of an aircraft). Read here for information about the casket shipping container used for air travel.
There is a synthetic version of the general purpose (interment) flag and it is only for attaching to a halyard to fly. It’s called the all-weather flag. It’s not for placing on a casket since it does not fold well and will not stay on the casket without help.
Large vs. Small Stars
There are only six companies licensed to manufacture government specification, large star, internment flags. These flags are procured from the Post Office by funeral directors for the deceased with a valid DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, and death certificate.
These large star interment flags are for military veterans, elected officials, federal law enforcement officers who serve in the Department of Homeland Security, and other first responders. All other flag companies that are not authorized to manufacture the large-star interment flag may only manufacture the small star or Civilian Internment Flag (the term coined by a friend and ceremonial colleague of mine) offered for general sale and use. The large star interment flag should not be for sale to the public.
The size of the interment flag, also called a casket flag, is 5′ x 9/6″, which is the size of the general purpose flag. The “Civilian Interment Flag” is merely the general purpose flag. The GP flag (nylon version) is flown in inclement weather.
Who is Authorized a Flag on Their Casket?
All Americans are authorized the small star (sometimes called a “bull”) flag on their casket. Who folds it is the question. Military pallbearers will not.
Nationally elected officials receive the American flag, with state and local officials also authorized their respective Indian Nation, state, territory, county, or city flag to replace the national if the deceased/next-of-kin so desires. First responders could also opt for their local flag or their respective Thin Line novelty flag.
Next of kin of civilians killed in the line of duty on or after Dec. 20, 2011, can request a flag due to passing of House Resolution 2061. A brand new flag is given to the family, most likely through the mail, unfolded, as civilians are not required to fold the flag into a triangle.
The Fallen Heroes Flag Act, H. R. 723. The Fallen Heroes Flag Act of 2016 was a bill that aimed to provide Capitol-flown flags to the immediate family of firefighters, law enforcement officers, members of rescue squads or ambulance crews, and public safety officers who were killed in the line of duty. The bill was introduced in the 114th Congress and was enacted after being signed by the President on May 16, 2016. It became Public Law No. 114-156.
The Act authorizes the appropriation of funds for the distribution of these flags. Specifically, it allows for the appropriation of necessary sums from the amounts allocated for the operation of the Capitol Visitor Center, with an aggregate limit of $30,000 for the fiscal years 2015 through 2020, has been reauthorized through 2027, and most likely will continue well into the future. Read here for information about the joint military and first responder funeral.
Military retirees/veterans obtain their flags from the funeral home/Post Office and first responders flags are provided through their department. First responders are authorized the small-star flag unless they fill the requirements of the large-star flag.
Note: Never place two or more flags or a flag and flowers on a casket (unless the flag is folded). That is inappropriate.
What about Suicide?
Please read The Honor Guard and the Suicide. Any first responder or member of the military can receive a flag on their casket regardless of how they passed. As long as they served honorably, nothing prevents this at all. Please don’t let the stigma of a suicide deter you from honoring the deceased and supporting the next of kin. Suicide is not dishonorable, it is the result of terrible internal turmoil. To judge someone as less than worthy of receiving funeral honors just because they killed their self, is inappropriate.
Is a Flag Authorized for Deceased Canines?
Yes. Canine’s serve their country in the military and law enforcement and in other capacities and are considered a member of the military or law enforcement agency. Please don’t place the flag on the animal.
How is a Flag Placed on a Closed Casket?
The canton (blue field) lays over the left shoulder of the deceased. The flag is centered end-to-end and side-to-side on a fully closed casket. See Flag Orientation on the Casket.
How is the Flag Displayed on a Casket When Carried?
See this article, The Draped and Dressed Casket, that explains how pallbearers (Body Bearers, Casket Bearers) dress the flag for carrying and placement. Note: there are no hard and fast rules about these techniques. Carrying the casket with the flag draped or dressed is up to the team. No such thing as “never” or “always” here except, never let the flag get under the casket when placing it.
How is the Flag Displayed on a Fully Open Casket?
The fully couched (open) casket requires the properly folded flag to be placed in the casket at the deceased’s left shoulder.
How is the Flag Displayed on a Half-open Casket?
For the half-open (half couched) casket, the upper half of the flag (the half with the canton) is arranged in three layers of even folds and the bottom half of the flag covers the closed half of the casket. Align the three folds with the edge of the closed half of the casket with the blue field as the top layers. Fold the header (white band) under the flag to display only the blue field and stripes. It is best to set up the casket with the flag in this manner before the ceremony. During the ceremony the casket can be closed and two pall bearers or the funeral director can then arrange the flag so that it then covers the whole casket.
Can State or Organizational Flags be Used to Cover a Casket?
Yes. Some state, city, and county elected officials and first responders who serve their state desire to have their state’s flag, which is just fine. The flag should be displayed so that it faces the same direction as if it were the American flag.
Saluting an No Flag on the Casket
When the flag-draped casket is in motion or when casket watch (Guard of Honor) guards are changed, salutes are rendered for the flag, not the deceased, and not exchanged between guards. When a casket is not draped by a flag, saluting is not executed.
How is a Flag-draped Casket Placed?
The head of the casket faces to the family’s left. That puts the canton away from the family. If the flag were to be picked up and displayed toward the family, it would display correctly from the family’s viewpoint with the canton in the upper left.
If there is not room for the casket to display sideways, the foot end of the casket faces away from the family with the canton to the left of and facing the family.
The Chaplain
The chaplain travels head-first into and out of the chapel as if leading his people. A chaplain’s feet face toward his congregation when placed in the chapel as if addressing his people. The chaplain travels feet-first every other time.
How does the casket travel?
Feet-first at all times except in three instances:
- When the deceased is a chaplain and he is going in/out of the chapel.
- When there is an impediment in the way of the casket traveling to the graveside all the way feet-first.
- When the distance from the coach to the grave is a very short.
Are Two or More Flags Authorized to be Folded and Presented to the Next of Kin?
Only one is folded at the service. While one flag is provided by the military service/public service agency others can be purchased for the family by the family, department, etc. It is standard that the flag that is draped over the casket is folded and presented to the primary next-of-kin and that all other flags are pre-folded and presented simultaneously. Again, only one flag is authorized to be folded during a military funeral service.
Can an Interment Flag be Flown?
Yes, of course. There is nothing wrong with that. That’s why it has grommets on the header (white band). Tradition holds that once the flag is folded over the grave that the family then holds onto it as a memento. However, there is nothing wrong with honoring the deceased and flying that flag.
What is a Casket Band?
A large elastic band that goes around the casket to hold the flag in place during transport on a caisson or when carried and there is significant wind. The casket band is for traveling so that wind does not blow the flag off and should be removed when the casket lies in state if at all possible. The flag pictured is not dressed and the band is too high.
There are tube-like bands, giant rubber bands, and an elastic band that is about two inches wide.
How is the flag displayed with cremated remains in an urn?
A properly folded flag is displayed and carried on the right of the urn. Please don’t lean the flag against the urn.
Pallbearers carry the folded flag into the funeral service and place it as show here. At the appointed time, the pallbearers rise, retrieve the flag, touch the flag to the urn, unfold it in front of the next-of-kin (NOK), refold it, and present it to the primary NOK.
What about a Pall?
Pallbearers remove the flag, the pall (a very significant large ceremonial white cloth with a simple or ornate design, mainly used by Roman Catholics) is placed and the service takes place.
After the service, the procedure is reversed. See The Honor Guard Manual for full details.
How is a casket transported through narrow areas like a chapel aisle?
By two pall bearers: one at the foot of the casket to only guide, which actually leads when transported, and one at the head of the casket to push (where the canton is- the head of the deceased).
Both pallbearers keep their hands on the casket the whole time.
The Military Transfer Case
A transfer case is an aluminum rectangle-shaped box that has the “lid” on the bottom (the tray) and handles on all four sides. When a service member dies while overseas, the remains are brought back to the USA via the case that is packed with ice.
Recovered partial remains are lighter since it’s just bones and possibly uniform material. A recovered body would obviously be much heavier. This accounts for the difference in number of the Carry Teams (4 and 6) in each of these pictures.
The Contaminated Human Remains Transfer Case is a bit different from the one above.
Soldiers from the 111th and 54th Quartermaster Companies (Mortuary Affairs) use the Molten Bead Extrusion Applicator to seal the primary inner packaging system of the Contaminated Human Remains Transfer Case during operational testing at Fort Lee, VA.
The Wrinkled Flag Theory
I was asked, did the research, and here’s what I found. You will supposedly never see a wrinkled flag on a veteran’s casket, so why did Pres. Bush 41, Sen. McCain, Rep. Lewis, and now President Carter have wrinkled flags? The theory states that those draped in this less-than-desirable manner acted inappropriately in their duties to the country. We can argue the point well that some in government are absolute traitors, but there is no signal to indicate that.
As I searched for images of flag draped caskets, I found that veteran funerals have good-looking flags, but many state funerals have had caskets draped with partially wrinkled flags and here is why:
Veteran Funeral (As an example): The casket is draped at the funeral home, (possibly transported to the chapel,) and then transported via coach (hearse) to the grave site, folded and presented to the NOK. Very little handling here.
State Funeral (Again, as an example):
- The casket is draped at the funeral home.
- It’s carried to the coach and transported to lie in state at a state capital.
- Body bearers carry the casket into the capital.
- Body bearers carry it back to the coach.
- Body bearers transfer the casket to an aircraft.
- After the plane lands, body bearers transfer the casket to a coach where it is taken to the Capitol rotunda in Washington DC.
- Body bearers carry the casket to the coach.
- Body bearers carry the casket to the grave site where it is folded and presented to the NOK.
As you can see, there is quite a bit of handling here.
Based on the the two brief examples i gave above, there is a huge difference between what happens for a state and veteran funeral. There are very good reasons for the wrinkles and creases- the body bearers must constantly reach under the flag to grasp the casket handles and a casket band is most likely used each time the casket is loaded into a coach, aircraft, and caisson. A casket band was used on 41’s casket when it was transported by train across Texas and Rep Lewis’ flag had a casket band for several carries and for the horse drawn carriage over the bridge in Alabama. The band is removed each time the casket lies in state and the body bearers dress the flag as best they can each time the casket is placed.
If you notice, only the sides and the ends are wrinkled, not the top. That is a good indication that it’s the constant handling by the body bearers of the casket to transport it to so many different places is the reason behind the wrinkles and creases .Constant movement of the flag-draped casket is going to increase the wrinkles in the flag. The pallbearers make every effort to dress the flag after the casket is placed.
The small stars of Pres. GHW Bush’s flag are of interest since he served in the Navy. That was most likely an oversight by a funeral director’s inattention to detail. And possibly the same for President Carter. I do not understand why these two were given the small-star version.
The Wrinkled Flag Theory is a MYTH
However, some still ignore the evidence as you can see in a couple comments below. My purpose is education and to that end, I offer the following.
I have spent almost 40 years (as of 2025) either carrying flag-draped caskets or teaching others how to carry them, fold the flag, and much more. You have your beliefs and I have decades of experience that tell me that this particular theory is dead wrong. Let me be clear, I am probably with you on many theories, but when I am able to disprove one.
That leads me to challenge those who refuse to see the logic in his to try and move a flag-draped casket with a tube casket band on it as much as the pallbearers did this week and not wrinkle the flag. Here is what you need to do:
- Get seven of your friends together.
- Get a casket, put 150lbs in it at the center, place an interment flag on top.
- A wooden casket weighs roughly 150 to 250 pounds.
- A metal casket weighs roughly 180-400 pounds.
- You are now carrying between 300 and 550 pounds.
- Smooth the ends of the flag into place crossing each other and place a casket band around the flag to keep the wind from blowing it off
- Lift the casket, execute the proper facing movements with two-handed grip changes, use proper marching technique, and march about 20 yards while keeping the casket level from head-to-foot and side-to-side.
- Do it again.
- Do it again.
- One more time.
- Now, march up/down 48 steps (the Capitol building) and then another 19 steps (the National Cathedral).
- When you march up and down the steps, you need to take each one individually for safety’s sake. That means calling “Ready Step!” for each one. When you reach the top or bottom of the steps you need to add an additional four more step commands so that the whole team plus the pallbearer commander reaches the the top/bottom.
- Each time you stop after marching the 20 yards or going up/down the steps, place the casket on a bier or church truck. For more realism, you should borrow a hearse to load and unload the casket a few times.
- You really should try to secure the casket in an aircraft (straps only, not a shipping container) for the flights to and from the President’s home town.
- Borrowing a caisson is also a must. Strap the casket to the casket deck for a half hour.
You’re not going to take my challenge, I’m sure. All you really want to do is hold fast to your beliefs no matter what anyone else says. In that case please provide written documentation and historical context that proves this insipid theory. I gladly await your proof.
Some Resources
International Association of Fire Fighters Funeral Protocol for Line-of-Duty Deaths.
National Volunteer Fire Council Funeral Procedures for Firefighters: A Resource Manual.
Comments 61
This is the information I have been searching for. The wife and I are now watching Walker Texas Ranger re-runs. There was an episode I first thought was in grave error. A Texas State Trooper is ambushed and laid to rest. But the State Trooper Honor Guard, handed the widow an American flag. I assumed incorrectly that State Law enforcement could only be buried with a State flag, not a Federal one. Then I thought that he might have had previous Military Service. But then thought if that was the case, the American flag, would still be presented by his/her Branch of Service not a Policeman. Now I now that it would have been possible and the production crew was not mistaken. I will do a re-watch and look for star size. Thanks again. I am grateful. signed Brother of two Navy Veterans..
Mr. Mc Hugh,
I’m glad you found it helpful!
Nice Try. But we know what a wrinkled flag draped over a coffin means. Those men were traitors.
Ms. Taylor,
I have spent almost 40 years either carrying flag-draped caskets or teaching others how to carry them, fold the flag, and much more. If you would have just written that you believe “these men are traitors”, I would have agreed with you and we could apply that statement to many in government. I still would not agree that the wrinkled flag is the signal, but I’m not trying to forcefully change anyone’s mind.
However, you went too far with the “nice try” comment. That comment directly challenges my integrity and that is inexcusable of you. You have your beliefs and I have decades of experience that tell me that this particular theory is dead wrong. Let me be clear, I am probably with you on many theories, but when I am able to disprove one, I will try to educate others.
That leads me to challenge you and those who refuse to see the logic in his to try and move a flag-draped casket with a tube casket band on it as much as the pallbearers did this week and not wrinkle the flag. Get a casket, put 150lbs in it at the center, place an interment flag on top, smooth the ends into place crossing each other, place the band around the flag to keep the wind from blowing it off, lift the casket, execute the proper facing movements with two-handed grip changes, use proper marching technique, and once at a location of 20 yards, place the casket on a bier. Once you’ve done that, do it again and this time, march up/down 48 steps (the Capitol building) and then another 19 steps (the National Cathedral). When you march up and down the steps, you need to take each one individually for safety’s sake. That means calling “Ready Step!” for each one. When you reach the top or bottom of the steps you need to add an additional four commands so that the whole team plus the pallbearer commander reach the the top/bottom. Make sure you place the casket down when you reach the top and bottom of the stairs to simulate placing it in the Capitol rotunda, the Cathedral, and the hearse. You really should try to secure the casket in an aircraft (straps only, not a shipping container) for the flights to and from the President’s home town. You should borrow a hearse to load and unload the casket a few times as well.
You’re not going to take my challenge, I’m sure. All you really want to do is hold fast to your beliefs no matter what anyone else says. In that case please provide written documentation and historical context that proves this insipid theory.
I await your reply with proof that what I have written is wrong.
I have “found ” an imternment flag of an Amazing Person. (I have No idea of “who” this said “Amazing Person” is.) The Flag was found in a dumpster. (No idea of how or why it traveled to a dumpster)
I would most graciously like to know is that if, I, not knowing this person, could it be raised out of respect for the original owner/vetran and “other Americans”, by me? ….if Not, what do you suggest I should do with the Flag?
Mr. Ledignton,
Yes, of course an interment flag can be flown and you don’t even need a reason.
Is it ever appropriate to frame a casket flag? I have my grandfather’s from WW I and would like to frame it as a gift to my son. But only if that is proper!
Thank you!
Ms. Fiske,
Yes, indeed it is appropriate! Flags with special or historic significance can and should be framed for display.
I have a question. I had purchased a flag at a yard sales years ago. After 2 years I opened it to fly on July 4th. I noticed writing of a name and rank of a sailor. Digging online I found much info about service and years of service. But my question is,,, is it protocol to put the names of the veteran on the header.? Reason I asked is, My girlfriend passed away on June 3rd of this year. She was in the National Gaurd back in the 70’s. Not opening the flag was curious if her Name is on her flag.
According to DeVaughn Simper, vexillologist, it was an off and on practice during the 1950s and 1960s. The Supply Corp would stamp the deceased’s serial number on the header and then when it was sent out for a burial it was listed with the graves registration office. At times a name was added or written instead of the serial number. The practice ceased in the 1970s.
The flag you have to s a collector’s item.
About 15 years ago I purchased a flag at an antique store. When I got it home I realized 2 of the stars were upside down. It is a 48 star flag, 9.5×5, made of linen with brass grommets. It was made by the Annin Company. I have contacted the Company and they said it must have been a patch job but you can clearly tell the stars were embroidered on the flag that way. I was told its size denoted it was a casket flag. I have emailed several other people but no one seems to know why the flag has 2 upside down stars. Do you know of any reason?
Ms. Martin,
I consulted vexillologist DeVaughn Simper of Colonial Flag ( and he surmised that the only way that could have happened would be a glitch in the setup of the embroidery machine. The two upside down stars are a fluke, like one of the US mints double stamping a coin or something similar. It’s a special flag to be sure.
If you are ever interested in letting it go, please get in touch with DeVaughn through me or the website above.
I have a question about the flag that is displayed on a veterans coffin. My husband says that the flag is the one for the time or war that the veteran served. Example: A WWII veteran would have a different flag than say a Desert Storm Veteran would have. I say that it is the same flag for all veterans. Can you please help to solve this argument.
Mrs. Roberson,
When veterans of the US military are buried, they have their casket draped with the current flag of the United States of America. Even though Alaska was given statehood on January 3, 1959 and Hawaii was given statehood on July 4, 1960, those serving in the military who died at that time were given the current flag, whether that was the 48-, 49- (official for one year only), or 50-star flag. Out oldest living WWII veteran will not receive a 48-star flag on his casket just because the US was comprised of 48 states during his time of service.
Side note: The family has the option of ordering a 48-, 49-, or other legacy American flag and have it drape the casket, but that is at the family’s expense. The government provides the current US flag at no cost to the family.
Drillmaster. Firstly, Thank you for your service. This “wrinkled flag” theory is becoming a hot topic, and even through some research, there is no way I can feel 100% confident that the wrinkled flag means that the deceased were traitors or they weren’t. I would respect your opinion most on this topic. Any idea on how this theory grew legs? From what I’ve seen online, there are more wrinkled flags than pressed ones. I looked up Audie Murphy’s (considered by many to be the most decorated war hero of WWII) casket and his flag is pretty wrinkled too. I don’t know. Thanks in advance for your time.
I am certain that many conspiracies are definitely not theories, but agree with you that there is nothing to the Wrinkled Flag Theory that I explain in the article above.
This statement is not true. I researched the same, and found no proof of Audie Murphy’s casket showing a wrinkled flag.
Oh well, stop the presses! You found ONE instance of a possibility, but cannot prove it conclusively. At the same time, I can find dozens of images and give you personal first-hand accounts from those who have carried caskets at the veteran and state level, including myself, as proof.
The statement, whatever statement you chose and failed to identify, is true.
I would like to say Thank you for all you do.
I’ve been reading a lot about the Christian Flag higher or lower then the US Flag.
I was wondering when the flags are flown at half mask , can the Christian flag stay up ? I have read several different articles
under One Country ,One God so the Christian Flag can stay up.
Could you please help me out on this ?
Thank you.
Mr. Friman,
All flags are lowered to the same level as the American flag. Only foreign national flags remain at full truck. All other flags are lowered. That is flag protocol.
My question concerns the burial flag presentation to the next of kin. When my 97-year-old father (a WWII navy veteran) passes, he plans to have a burial flag draping the casket. I have an older sister and younger brother. Neither of them served their country. I am a Vietnam veteran. Our mother (dad’s spouse) has passed so the flag should go to my older sister according to protocol. My father does not want her to have the flag. My younger brother thinks he should get the flag. The funeral director said we could purchase the second flag and have it folded in the casket to be removed prior to closing the casket. My brother said I could have that flag and he’d take the draped flag. I feel it is a slap in my face to receive the pre-folded flag and not the draped flag. Why can’t protocol give the flag to first the spouse if living, then to the oldest veteran child if there is one, then to the oldest living child, then down the line? What are your thoughts about this? Thanks.
Mr. Zieg,
Thank your dad for his service for me and also thank you for serving our great country.
Protocol dictates that the (current) spouse receives the flag that is folded in front of the next of kin. If no spouse, the eldest child. After that, the children in order of age receive the flag.
Your brother will do just fine receiving the pre-folded flag while you receive the flag that was draped.
To ensure this happens correctly, inform the funeral director that you will purchase another flag and that you will receive the one folded during military funeral honors and that your brother will receive the other flag. The funeral director must identify both of you to the Navy funeral team, which should be two Sailors who will come to sound Taps, fold the flag and present it. Now, what the Sailors may not know is that the one who does not have a flag to present right after the folding is finished, should retrieve the pre-folded flag from the funeral director and both flags can then be presented simultaneously.
I hope this is helpful.
Well, it helped me but did nothing to change my brother’s thoughts. He feels he should receive the flag. He has the funeral director convinced it’s ok to skip everybody else and award the draped flag to him. He even got my dad to sign a paper stating that. To me it is a slap in the face to not follow military protocol and I will not attend my father’s service.
Thanks for sending the information. If it ok with you I’d like to forward it to the funeral home owner to help raise veteran awareness.
Yes sir, please share. Education is key.
The tops of those flags draped over those caskets for GHW Bush and McCain were horribly wrinkled and they didn’t fold and tuck the corners on McCains – he’s supposedly a POW wartime Senator – you’d think they’d take way better care of the Flag. The sides aren’t the only wrinkled areas sir. I kindly disagree with you. Seen military funerals. Been to them and haven’t seen anything like this! Those men were traitors to their country and we will ALL see and know why soon enough! Just the picture of McCain with the ISIS leaders we were supposedly trying to kill for terrorism is enough for me! Traitors don’t deserve flags without wrinkles!
My brother was a fire fighter who died several years ago. He had a flag that was given to his wife. She has since died and I have his flag. Would it be proper to place the folded flag in the casket of our mother to be buried with her when she passes? Which will hopefully not be for a while, but my younger brother and I thought that might be the perfect place for it to be forever, IF it is proper. That is what we need to know, can a flag be buried in a casket?
Ms. Kingsley,
I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for your question. I’m so glad that you and your family want to honor your brother and the flag, I truly appreciate your asking.
It is not appropriate to place a flag in a casket.
Was GHWBush 6 months active duty? I was led to believe that any reservist/ guardsman had to have at least 180 days active duty to be considered a veteran.. (possibly explaining the small stars)
Anyone who graduates Basic Training, Boot Camp, or is commissioned as an officer after Officer Training School/Officer Candidate School, or college ROTC is considered a veteran.
Sir, I want to first thank you for your service and dedication. Secondly I want to thank you for this article. It was very informative. I did not know there was technically two types of flags.
As for the wrinkles, only God knows what they really mean.
This is a great article! I am working on honoring my late grandfather with a shadow box and eventually (once we can travel) a trip to Omaha beach to retrace the steps of his infantry during D-Day followed by flying a flag in honor of him and the men of the 115th Infantry at the cemetery. I reached out to the surviving family members and no one knows what happened to the flag that draped his casket when he was buried in Arlington. So, I went to the Internet in search of buying a replacement flag and thought I had found one only to be very disappointed when it arrived. You mention there are only six companies that are authorized to manufacturer government spec, large star, internment flags. Can you share who those companies are or are they not allowed to sell to the general public?
Mr. Sprouse,
I forget what companies are authorized to make large star interment flags but they are not allowed to sell them to the general public. I trust DeVaughn Simper at the most, I suggest starting there.
Have to respectfully disagree with you over the wrinkled flags on a casket. Have been to many funerals of military friends and our flag is always taken with great care. Never have I seen any wrinkled as those of Bush and McCain and one would think at a publicized funeral of a president and senator, greater care would have been a priority.
Understand that those that are killed in war may have wrinkled flags until returning, but at their funerals, they rarely are if ever “wrinkled.”
Take our heros from the Benghazi murders, the flags on their caskets are meticulously layed and tucked over their caskets, not one wrinkle. Why, because they were Honored Respected Heroes!
You are not agreeing or disagreeing with me as I have not put forth my thoughts on this subject. This article is about the theory, nothing more.
You also assume that great care was not taken by my ceremonial brothers and sisters in DC. All of the Body Bearers did an outstanding job. However, there is no room for publicly dressing the flag each time the casket comes to rest. They did the best they could with the situation as was presented.
Thank you Sir for your service and thank you for this information.
God Bless You.
Bush 41 & McCain flags were both wrinkled for a specific reason,
please do some research, Ma’am and you’ll understand exactly why.
Hi Gunny,
I lost my husband on April 27, 2019.
At his funeral, after the folding of the flag, it was handed to another military member who took the flag back to the head of my husband’s casket and did a couple of turns with it, before presenting it to me. What was that about? I’m sure it has some significant meaning but I can’t seem to find anyone who can tell me what it is. Can you help?
Sorry, I meant to address this question to The Drill Master.
Not a problem, Ma’am.
Mrs. Thomason,
I know of no reason to execute some turns (facing movements?). “Cleaning up” the flag is a standard accomplished before every presentation where one team member ensures the flag is at its best before handing it to the next of kin.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you very much for your and your husband’s service to our great nation.
Semper Fidelis!
Drillmaster, I’m seeking information about the “13 Colony Fold”. I once saw our flag folded in that fashion, over a half-open casket. Do you have images and/or folding dimensions/instructions for this uncommon flag fold?
Hi Gunny,
I’ve not heard of the 13 Colony Fold before and folding over a half couched casket is not done. The American flag is only folded over a casket that is fully closed only. There is only one fold authorized for the American flag and that is detailed in the Flag Code. I’ll do some research on this and get back to you.
After some initial research, I cannot find where anyone has created another type of fold for the American flag (thankfully), which leads me to wonder if you might have been referring to a flag fold script that you heard read while the flag was being folded? If so, Here is an article about the unofficial scripts: On January 22, this article will post:
From photos of the recent GHWB and McCain funerals, the flag appears to be placed “upside down” since the approach to both flag draped caskets had the field of stars placed in the bottom right hand corner. Your thoughts?
All of the images and video that I saw had both caskets draped and traveling properly.
A bit of confusion here –
Under the section – What about displaying the flag on a half-open casket?
The last sentence says, “The picture of the open casket (top) shows the flag incorrectly displayed.” Yet the picture appears to be correct per the description…..??
Mr. Wade,
Actually, while I’ve made all kinds of changes throughout the website, the top picture is correct because the white band is showing. I updated the text.
Once again, thanks!
Is it OK to cover the coffin with a US flag and a flag of the soldier’s native country? (Half-half)
Thank you for this great question!
Two flags on a casket or coffin would not be appropriate. A solution to this is to have one flag draped over the casket and then both flags mounted on staffs, placed in stands, and put behind the casket and, when the time comes, carried by the color guard.
Side note: National colors do not dip for any reason.
Can a flag share a coffin in a Catholic church with the burial cloth on the casket
Ms. McKeeman,
No, the flag never shares space. Here is what happens. For a Roman Catholic service, a white cloth, called a pall, is placed on the casket when it enters the church. In the vestibule, the pallbearers place the casket on the church truck (bier), remove the interment flag and place the pall on the casket. The casket is then wheeled into place, the service takes commences and when the service is finished a reverse of the previous procedures takes place: the casket is wheeled to the vestibule, the pall is removed and the casket flag is replaced. The pallbearers then lift the casket off of the bier and transport it to the hearse.
PS: the interment flag can be folded lengthwise into thirds and then in half once or twice and draped over the back of a chair or placed on a table out of view of the congregation where the honor guard pallbearers have immediate access to it.
I hope this answers your question.
Really, over a canine? Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs, have had one almost all my life and appreciate and respect the job they do for the military and law enforcement. I believe that to place one over an animal of any kind is disrespectful to PEOPLE. The message you send by placing an American flag over an animal is that the service members life is equivalent to that of a dog/animal. What rule, regulation, law or decree from U.S. Code covering Honors for the U.S. Flag are you citing with this?
Best Regards,
Hello Sir,
I understand what you are saying, but military and police K9s are enlisted members of their service and even earn rank. Their services and handlers consider them just as much a partner as a human.
My Grandfather was a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne. He passed away on 7/28/15. My question is, My family and I are wondering if it is against protocol to place his photo on top of the flag covered casket ?
Hi Jason,
Thank you for your question. My condolences for your loss.
Placing anything on or in the flag is against the Flag Code.
I’m my experience families have set up small tables next to the casket and placed the picture on it along with ribbons and/or medals and other uniform accouterments.
Sir, I have two flags. One for my uncle who was a veteran of ww2 and my late father in law. I found both flags in different trunks unfolded. I would like to get then resolved and placed in a proper box. How does one go about doing that.
Mr. Martin, check with your local police department honor guard or high school JROTC and see if they would be able to help you – I’m sure they would be able to fold your flags. You can purchase simple or elaborate cases for folded flags online. Get the cases and then have the flags folded to fit.
Hello, Sir. I have a question for you and was wondering if you could provide me with feed back. I have an American Flag that was flown in Iraq sent to me back around 2005 from a soldier that was stationed there. It arrived folded obviously and I’ve always keep it folded exactly the way it arrived. My question to you is how do I display it. I feel like a display case should only be used as a memorial for our fallen veterans, law enforcement, including our K-9 officers. I have one displayed for my father in a case, but I don’t know if it’s appropriate to do them same with the flag in question. I want to keep its integrity, but I don’t want to make it look like a memorial, even though it kind of is. Thank you in advance for your response Sir.
A flag display is not restricted. Flags are placed in wood cases with glass fronts for preservation, not because it’s some sort of memorial. Each flag displayed in a home has some sort of meaning for the family and that is why it is displayed. If you want to display it in a case, go for it. Maybe even have a small plaque made that can be attached to the back that describes where the flag was displayed and by whom. As long as the flag does not touch the ground or floor, you can display it how you wish and it sounds like you will take the utmost care in this decision.
Most importantly, thank you for your service Sir.
Also, please excuse my typos above. I posted it without reviewing it first.
It was a pleasure to serve our country. I don’t pay much attention to typos, spell check can really be a pain!