Yes, I did. I drove from Melbourne, FL to Romeoville, IL to judge a drill meet. Seriously. I love to do what I do and Don Dunning asked me if I would come up and judge about a week and a half before the competition. My answer: “Sure!” And now it’s over with, but it was such a great day!
I was blessed to judge colors and then tandems. I made my DrillMaster Audio Performance Critiques for each of the performances and let everyone know they could download them. When I first began judging in the morning, I received some strange looks; “We thought you were talking to yourself!” was the feedback I received while I was giving my feedback! Once I explained, I saw nods of approval.
So, without further unnecessary typing, here are my critiques in no particular order.
Color Guard Regulation Drill
- Romeoville A
- Benito Juarez
- Chicago Bulls Prep A
- Chicago Bulls Prep B
- Zion Benton
- Marine Leadership Academy
- Michigan City A
- Michigan City B
- West Aurora
Tandem Exhibition Drill Performances
Unarmed XD Squad (I wanted to give the cadets some feedback)