How do you honor the POW/MIA flag when posting the colors?
Great question! Here is the answer:
The POW/MIA color is not specifically honored when the colors are posted/presented.
For a ceremony, after the colors are presented or posted, that is when the POW/MIA color can be brought in and posted. How the flag is brought in is up to you. In the picture at the right, I was on the Kadena Air Base Honor Guard in the mid 2000s and had the honor of bearing the POW/MIA color on this particular occasion. I brought it in at Port arms, stood in the center of the stage where the colors had previously been presented, and then posted the color just to the viewer’s left of the POW/MIA Hat Table. We then continued with the Hat Table Ceremony.
You could have to honor guard members enter with the POW/MIA color cased, uncase it and present it to the audience and then post it.