Each time I look at drill from another country, the first thought that goes through my mind is, “Man, that’s weird!” Having said that, I do appreciate watching and learning from other nations.
By no means am I going to pinpoint definitions here, but maybe we could loosely define drill styles by country:
- “British Style“- The British influence is far-reaching: Canada, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia.
- “Russian Style”– Totalitarian Communism keeps the goose step alive and well: China, North Korea
- “American Style“- Thank the Lord for America’s first Drill Master, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus von Steuben. He was the one to create America’s first drill manual during the Revolutionary War. Although American drill has seen some modification over the years to the standards we have now, it all began with Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus von Steuben.
- Other Styles– Greece?
Information on the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Program