It was a beautiful day at Jacksonville State University for the state drill championship. I had the pleasure of overseeing color guard and I again did my DrillMaster Performance Critiques for the Unarmed Color Guard category. Here are the MP3 files for you to download.
Thank you to the JSU AROTC staff and cadets, the instructors and cadets. I know this kind of feedback is new and possibly a bit strange but it can be very helpful.
Colors Reverse
None of the teams performed a Colors Reverse Properly. According to TC 3-21.5, it’s one face-in-march after another and that move is only performed with a pivot on the right foot platform. For a complete explanation, watch this.
Sling Arms
Not very many teams performed this correctly. Do not put the butt of the rifle on your right thigh and there is no need to bend forward. Stand at Attention, look down at your hands to see what you are doing, and loosen/tighten the sling.
Below is how you should look. First image is the Army cradle technique (AF/SF can use this technique). Second from left is the technique the rest of the services use. The last two images show the ONLY authorized position for Sling Arms. The right forearm MUST be horizontal.