How to Create a Tetrad, a 4-Man Exhibition Team

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Drill teams come in all sizes for different reasons. Teams can range in size from nine to twenty five members with or without a commander marching outside of the formation. A tetrad, the shorter name for a four- or five-man exhibition drill team, creates a performance for small areas like a ballroom dance floor or on a stage.

How to Write a Military Drill Routine: Routine Mapping Tools

DrillMasterDrill Team Training, Drill Teams, DrillMaster Products, Instructional 1 Comment

How to Write a Military Drill Routine: Routine Mapping Tools It’s that time of year again, the time to start planning your drill team, squad and solo/tandem routines- if you haven’t already. To help you along in this endeavor, years ago I developed the DrillMaster Routine Mapping Tools (RMT) to try to fit all kinds of situations. Here are the …