
Programming, Continued

Apparently "dropping the base" can have something to do with describing how one creates a routine and, while that may…

9 years ago

Having a Complete Plan for a Performance

This information applies to any performance: presentation/posting of the colors, solo exhibition or drill team routine. The key is acting with…

10 years ago

The Cadet Series: American Military Cadets

A little-known program, but quickly gaining more and more exposure, is the American Military Cadet Corps (AMCC). It is just like…

11 years ago

NY CAP Unarmed Drill Team 1968 Performance!

This is just too cool not to share! [embedplusvideo height="470" width="591" standard="" vars="ytid=Q7C7r7kdhcU&width=591&height=470&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=" id="ep3188" /]

12 years ago

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