The Daisy Museum in Rogers, Arkansas was helpful in providing information on the Sport Trainer. Daisy introduced a line of sport trainers in April 1966 and produced them through 1969. There were five lever action models ( 626, 630, 631, 632 and 633). The 634 was a bolt action model and the largest of the line at 33 1/2”. This line was designed to compete for a market share with the Parris Mfg. Co. The Model 634 retailed at about $4.00. The design of the Model 634 is similar in many ways to the Parris Mfg. Co. TraineRifle models, although most of the parts are a slightly different shape. The short sheet metal barrel and the bayonet lug are nearly identical in shape and location to the Parris models. There is a short cartridge that retracts into the bolt face when the bolt is closed that is similar in principle to the Parris models. The model 634 uses two metal clips on the bolt face to retain the cartridge instead of a screw through the side of the bolt on the Parris models. It is uncertain which company first started using the retracting cartridge. The early Parris Mfg. Co. TraineRifles did not have this feature and it is uncertain when this practice started, as the early production information has been lost. The Parris Mfg. Co. was producing their TraineRifle models in the early 1950’s, which is well before the start of the Daisy production.
There are two features on the Daisy 634 that are significantly different from the Parris models. The base of the bolt handle guides the bolt in the receiver and becomes the locking mechanism when the bolt is rotated closed. This approach is more like a modern bolt action rifle. The butt stock has a pistol grip which also makes it look more like a modern rifle. It is uncertain if Daisy or Parris produced the metal parts that were used on their trainers or got them from a sub contractor. Due to the similarity of many of the parts, it is possible that both companies purchased the metal parts from a third party. I suspect that both companies produced the wooden stocks for their toy rifles and assembled them in their respective factories. The side of the receiver is marked:
There is a round paper label on the right side of the butt stock that is marked:
The model 634 was equipped with a rubber bayonet. It has been verified that Daisy purchased these from another company. The design of the bayonet mounting lug is identical on the Daisy and Parris rifles that were produced in the 1960’s. The early Parris TraineRifles had the bayonet lug mounted on the barrel rather than being inserted into the end of the forearm. The grip design of both bayonets are nearly identical. The Daisy bayonet is the same length as the Parris bayonet but the blade is double edged. I suspect that both Daisy and Parris Mfg. Co. contracted with the same firm to supply their bayonets. The following pictures clearly show the shape and marking of the Daisy bayonet.
Next installment: Haubert, H. Dummy Training Rife
From the paper, Non-Firing Drill and Training Rifles, by By Malcolm MacPherson